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v agabond Editorials

(Continued f.rom Page 7 )

Mr. Roosevelt knows ! That's why he is directing his Take my own case. I've been losing my shirt for three splendid energies right now to the immediate creation of years. Unless something happens to bring back prosperJOBS in great numbers. He understands, of course, that ity there soon won't be a single button left on it. Mr. these created Government-aided activities now being en- Roosevelt says to me, "We've got to get a lot of cash gendered won't have to directly employ ALL the men who together to put a lot of men to work, and when this reare in need of employment. He knows that every man employment of millions brings a profit to your business who goes to work is giving BUYING POWER; and his I'rn going to increase the income tax on you, and take a power to buy and his act of buying furnishes employment share of the profits this campaign creates." I must.respond to still other men, producing, creating, raising, rnanufac- as did the drunken pall-bearer, when the preacher threw turing, distributing, merchandising the things that are the dirt in the grave and said-"Ashes to ashes and dust bought. Put a million men to work at a living wage, and to dust." The drunk responded-"Nuthin' could be fairer immediately hundreds of thousands of men must go to than that." work to furnish those things that these million men will buy with their wages. And so it spreads.

And the fabric or nna"lrr"l."in*"n"rity that is woven by the employment of many men, creates business. It puts rnoney into circulation. The tempo of cash circulation will increase. Credit will be actually created out of improved cash circulation, increased business, and more jobs. And so, like piling brick upon brick, the wall of returning business will be builded. Each man hired-hires more men. Each dollar put in circulation-puts more dollars in circulation. Every upJift in business-creates more business. And all of it creates confidence-and confidence begets credit. And credit we must have.

The income tax rate is going to be sharply increased to raise the money to finance these public works-the creation of jobs. O. K. with rne. These things-without which we cannot revive-cannot be done without money. Let me make some money once again, and I'll not cry at having to divide it with the man who wants to work, but can find no work to do.

For THAT is the way we must look at this advanced income tax rate. And that's the only way. Unless we can put these millions of .men back to work and get business started again on a sound basis, lve aren't going to make any money. So why object to sharing such profits as we may make with the one and only thing that can create. profit -JOBS. It won't last always. And when our millions of idle people go back to work, and the spread of normal industry covers the land again, these emergency measures will be dropped. In the rneantime, what better way could be devised for financing the return of prosperity than sharing the profits with those things that must create the profits ?

East B.y Club Meets June 12

The next dinner meeting of East Bay Hoo Hoo Club No. 39 will be held at the Athens Athletic Club, Oakland, Monday evening, June 12 at 6:09 p.m. This will be the last meeting before the summer vacation, and entertainment'chairman Larue Woodson promises a good program. Dinner will be served in the well known Athens Club style at 85 cents a plate.

Motion pictures revealing the "new" in architecture at the Century-of-Progress exposition, Chicago, and a travelogue film will be shown through the courtesy of T. H. Lachelt, of the Lachelt Service Bureau.

Op"ns Los Angeles OJftce

W. J. Mulligan & Co. of San Francis,co has opened an office at 1025 W. M. Garland Bldg., Los Angeles. John Olson, widely known Southern California lumberman and formerly Los Angeles manager for the Chas. R. McCormick Lumber Co., will be in ,charge of their Los Angeles office. W. J. Mulligan & Co. has been associated with the lumber business in San Francisco for many years and has carried on a large lumber export business. The company will represent a group of Washington cargo mills in the California market.

Announces New Product

The Insulite Company has announced a new product, Insulite Dark Hardboard. The company feels that there is a definite market for both a light and dark hardboard; the Insulite Company introduced the light hardboard more than a year ago. The dark hardboard has a very interesting ,color, and has a glassy-smooth surface that lends itself to many decorative possibilities

Light and Dark Insulite Hardboard are specialized products for the fabrication of arti'cles or the enclosure of areas where hard surface, glassy-smooth finish, durability, supertransverse and tensile strength are required. They are built to resist wear and tear, and can be saw'ed, cut, nailed, punched and glued. Both boards can be easily and attractively finished. They are manufactured at the company's plant at International Falls, Minn.

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