2 minute read
Both Gone
There came a knock at the pearly gates, and St. peter opened them, to discover two late arrivals from Earth, who asked admittance, and did so in rather peremptory manner.
"Who are you?" asked St. Peter.
"I" said the first, "am John Smith, President of the First National Bank, of Smithville."
"And I" said the second, "am Bill Jones, president of the
First National Bank, of Jo,nesville.,,
"Just stay right here a minute, gentlemen,,, said St. Peter, "while I go and look up your records."
So he left them standing between the pearly gates, and he went to look them up in the record book.
And when he came back the bankers were gonFand so were the pearly gates.
Hoo Hoo Club No. 39 Lumbermen Attend Rodeo
East Bay lumbermen heard a splendid talk on "Early History of the California Missions" at their dinner meeting held at the Athens Athletic Club, Oakland, Monday, M.y 15.
The talk was given jointly bv Harry Bradford, postmaster of Hayward, and M. G. Callaghan, postmaster of Livermore, and was illustrated by slides made from pictures taken by Mrs. Bradford and from old drawings. Both of these gentlemen showed by their intimate knowledge of the subject that they had made a deep study of the early history of California, and their presentation of the history of the establishment of the missions was much enjoyed.
Larue Woodson presided in place of President Earle Johnson, who was absent owing to a family bereavement.
Musi'cal entertainment was provided by "Tom" Tomlinson at the piano, and Joe Bobba on the accordion.
Plywood Plants to lncrease Wages
Seattle, Wash., May 25.-A minimum rvage schedule for all plants of the Douglas Fir Plywood Manufacturers'.Association has just been announced by members following a conference at Portland, Oregon. A trade association and a code of ethics also were agreed upon by the manufacturers.
More than 90 per cent of the Pacific Northwest plywood industry agreed to a minimum wage of 25 cents an hour effective June l, and 30 cents an hour, effective July 1. As a result, most of the 3,000 plywood rvorkers will be given a wage increase, the percentage depending on the base wage now being paid. On July 1 a second increase will affect all workers in the industry.
A group of lumbermen with their wives and friends attended the Livermore Rodeo, Sunday, May 14. All had a very enjoyable time watching the various events, and topped off the day's fun with a banquet in the evening. The following made up the party: Mr. and Mrs. C. I. Gilbert, Eureka Mill & Lumber Co., Oakland; Mr. and Mrs. Earle E. Johnson and son; Independent Lumber Co., Livermore; Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Rogers, Sterling Lumber Co., Salinas; Mr. and Mrs. H. Sewall Morton, Hill & Morton, Inc., Oakland; Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Wilson, Oakland; Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Sherwood, Oakland, and Mr. and Mrs. John Ross. Oakland.
Clean Up and Paint Up \(/eek
May 22 to May 27, 7933, inclusive was Clean Up and Paint Up Week in Los, Angeles. The program for the 'iveek was as follows : May 22, Fire Hazard, Day; May 23', Yard and Plant Day; May 24, Public Health and Extermination Day; May 25, Housecleaning Day; May 26, paint Up and Renovate Day; May 27,Yacant Lot Cleaning Day.
Clean Up and Paint Up programs were als6 broadcasi over the following Los Angeles radio stations; Tuesday, May 23, KFWB and KNX; Wednesday, May 24, KECA; Thursday, May 25, KHJ; Saturday, May 27, KMTR.
The various programs were arranged for by the Los Angeles Junior Chamber of Commerce.
Joins Wholesale Assoctatton
The Patten-Blinn Lumber Co., San Pedro Lumber Co.; Ker'ckhoff-Cuzner Mill & Lumber Co., Bookstaver-Burns Lumber Co. and E. U. Wheelock, all of [,os Angeles, have become members of the California Wholesale Lumber Association.