1 minute read
odernizing should start at the toprrutith DI]O.LAY STBIP SHINGLNS
The great harvest in the building industry today is modernization. More than $2o0,0001000 was spent in the United States alone last year for modernizing residential buildings.
Modernizing should start at the top with a new roof of DUO'LAY Strip Shingles.
DUO-LAY Strip Shingles . because of their high qudity at low cost . . . because of their four beautiful colors . . . because of their long life and freedom from repairs . . . offer every dealer a product to sell on every modernizing job.
DUO-LAY Scip Shingles can be laid two ways-broken effects or square butt pattern. They can be laid over the old wood shingles, or for new roofs.
DUO-LAY Srip Shingles should be on top of every modernizing job. It is the dealer's opportunity to get a share of this tremendous new volume of business.