1 minute read
I our oE EvERy I5ilG
Here is the actiue roofung TIIIS marlrct thut belongs to fou, Mr. I)ealer.
In every city and town of California . .'. hundreds of homes will need a new roof this year. A thorough survey of California homes, recently conducted by an independent agency, reveals for the first time this important information: "Statistics show that on the average residential roofs in California require major aftention once in every 7 years.
"Vhile these figures do not apply to the class of roofs covered with asphalt shingles, the life of these roofs being considerably longer, they do apply to roofs on the average." Vhat interests you Mr. Dealer is that l/7th of all the homes in your territory . I out of every 15 will require a new roof this year. This is a tremendous market . right in your own front yard. Let us tell you how to caPture a large share of this business NOW with the sensational new DUO-LAY Strip Shingles.