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806 Sccond Natl.

The New /a" x 48" x 96" }-ply Good I Side Panels In OAKGUMBIRCHGENUINE MAHOGAI{Y and WALNUT

Cargo Shipments From Northwest

' Water shipments of lumber from the Pacific Northwest in April as reported by 13 companies to the Pacific Lumber Carriers' Association, San Francisco, totaled 88,448,700 feet. This rvas 6,0m,000 feet more than in April, 1939. Deliveries at the various ports were as follows:

Took In Arizona Convention

The following Southern Californians attended the annual convention of the Arizona Retail Lumber and Building Supplv Association at the Grand Canyon, Arizona, May 17-18: Hervey Bowles, Long-Bell Lumber Co.; Gene DeArmond, Pacific Cabinet Co.; Joe Tardy, E. J. Stanton & Son; Dick Johnson, The Pacific Lumber Company; Jack Allen, Riverside Portland Cement Co.; Earl Hoffman, M and M Wood Working Co., Percy Merithew, E. K. Wood Lumber Co.; all of Los Angeles, and Frank Curran, Frank Curran Lumber Company, Santa Ana.

Opens Yard In Compton

Compton Lumber Company Inc. has opened a retail lumber yard at 1501 N. Long Beach Blvd., Compton. A. P. Shepperson Sr. is president and manager.

Lumbermen's Golf Tournament June 7

The lumbermen's golf tournament, sponsored by Los Angeles Hoo-Hoo Club No. 2, will be held at Altadena Country Club, Altadena, Calif., Friday afternoon, June 7,19n.

The events include the American Legion, Lumberrnen's Post, cup for the low net score, and The California Lumber Merchant Cup for the low gross score. The cups must be won twice to secure permanent possession. There rvill be trvo flight events, (a) first flight, handicaps 1 to 10 and, (b) second flight, handicaps ll to fr, with first and second prizes to be awarded the winners. The golfers will tee-off at 1:00 p.m.

Dinner will be served in the Club House at 6:30 p.m. and a real treat in the way of entertainment is being provided by the committee. A11 lumbermen are invited to attend, and lumbermen rvho do not play golf are invited to attend the evening dinner and entertainment.

The committee in charge of the arrangements includes: Roy Stanton, E. J. Stanton & Son, chairman; Fred Golding, Anglo California Lumber Company, and Harvey Koll, H. W. Koll Lumber Co., handicaps and handling of the tournament; Geo. E. Ream, Geo. E. Ream Co., prizes; Bob Osgood, Cadwallader-Gibson Co., Inc., entertainment. A big turnout is expected.

Reservations can be made by calling Roy Stanton, CEntury D2ll.

Western Pine Home Moved to Burlingame

San Francisco, Calif., April 25th-The Western Pine Home, one of the most popular exhibits at the 1939 Golden Gate Exposition on Treasure Island, was moved onto a barge,on April 19th and towed down San Francisco Bay to its new location near Burlingame in San Mateo County. Built by the Western Pine Association in the Homes and Gardens section on the Exposition grounds, this attractive exhibit home drew record-breaking crowds at last year's Fair when over 1,125,00O persons visited it.

The nerv owner, the Lang Realty Corporation of this city, is now setting up this Cape Cod home in a new sub-division known as "Burlingables," which they are developing near Burlingame, only 17 miles south of San Francisco on U. S. Highway 101.


Back Panel Company, recently built on a private office for the use of J. W. (Bill) Back, opening oft the general office at their warehouse, 310 to 314 East 32nd Street, Los Angeles.

The walls of the office are paneled in fu-inch,4 by 8 ft. matched Walnut, and the ceiling is of white Maple plywood. Trim is Walnut and Maple. Bruce Oak flooring is used on the floor.

All panels are stock items, the white Maple being manufactured by the Hoosier Panel Co., New Albany, Ind., and the Walnut by Mengel Co., Louisville, Ky.

What a wonderful thing is an interesting thought! The other day I filched from the column of a.friend of mine an epitaph. And in that little, simple inscription, alleged to be taken from a headstone in an English cemetery, I found a thought that pleased and intrigued me so that I have annoyed my friends and family by reciting it on all possible occasions. It goes like this:


Here lies poor Jimmy Pumblequod. Have mercy on him, gracious God. I know HE would, if HE were GodAnd YOU were Jimmy Pumblequod.

Read that over a couple of times and see if you don't get a "kick" out of it. The thought was so entirely new, was evidently why it caught and holds my fancy. Just the Golden Rule in reverse, that's all. "Do unto others." ***

It is that same thought that was voiced by a certain clear tfiinker long ago, who liad lived well and slipped a cog or two in his time, off the straight and narrow. A friend asked hirn one day what he would do or say if he were to be suddenly brought before the throne of God and asked about his sins. He said: "I would simply say to the Lord-'Do to others as you would have others do to yon-"' I always thought that was a grand answer; and so, evidently, did the writer of the epitaph over the grave of poor Jimmy Pumblequod'

Truly, a person never knows when he writes something that "clicks." In this column last issue, I wrote, sent it to the printer, and then forgot it, the following: ,,Sooner or later the gorilla men who now threaten the peace of the world, will go back to the darkness and foulness from whence they thyself' will and 'Thou shalt love thy neighbor as again become the basic law of civilized people. will probably be dark days in between; that shall prevail over lvrong, love over hate, force-I have not the slightest doubt. You mountains of such assurance in the New The returns I have had from that paragraph from good friends in many places, has made me humbly grateful. And it shows how hungrily men are groping for sunshine in these dark days.

Shakespeare wrote that the heel of the conqueror would never reach the throat of Britain, and that even though three'fourths of the world turned against her, she would prevail. Shakespeare was to all the other writers in history what ttre mighty ocean is to the purling brook. And now it remains to be seen what sort of prophet he was. For the gorilla men have England on her five-yard line, and nearer to her goal line, than she has ever been before in her long history. But how often have you seen a football team defend its home goal from the one-foot line, and then go on to glorious victory? As a matter of fact, that's the way most great battles are won. Remember, it's always darkest just before dawn, or, as the colored crapshooter stated it-"de biggest possurns allus trot, jus' befo'dawn." ***

I realize full well how rapidly events are happening in gium, anad Luxembourg, appear before that bar to tell fheir story of a government that knew neither honor nor pity as it destroyed in wholesale quantities a succession of defenseless and innocent nations that stood in the way of its march of horror; a government too foul for heaven and unfit for Hell. And that is the day the civilized world looks forward to.

Europe. Before the movie newsreel can tell you what is happening in the defense of some small European country, that country has already been destroyed. No man knoweth what may happen in Europe before these lines are in print. But I believe, looking at the situation in amateurish fashion and entirely aside from my spiritual faith in the eventual rule of right, that Hitler must win quickly, if he is to win at all. I have read much about the amount of motor fuel and motor oil and other supplies of that character that are required to operate the German mechanized arrny a single hour, and the fact remains that there is not enough of those materials inall Europe to supply that army for sixty days at the rate they are now consuming it. And r/hat will become of the mechanized units when their gas and oil run out?

Acknowledging the -""U"* ,l an" way of war preparations that the Hitler forces have made through the absolute consecration and concentration of every ounce of energy of an entire nation working 24 hours a day over a term of years preparing for this day, I still am unwilling to concede their infallibility. And when the first storm has been weathered by the Allies, and they get their armies on something like equal footing with the Germans, theirs will soon be the upper hand, and theirs the victory.

And r trust.that *rr"r, Jrr"JaJ, "o*""-"s come it must -the Allies will have strength and vitality enough left to turn to the sulking Mussolini-who by his daily threats forces the Allies to keep a great army and navy watching him and thus far from the scene of combat in France-and say to him: "Now bring that ugly scowl of yours up to this bar of justice and explain, if you can, the part YOU played." I predict there will be no haughty scowl on that mug that day! In all of war-torn Europe he is playing the most inglorious Part'

Which reminds me of a story that is going the rounds (what would life be without a joke to enliven it?). One man said to another: "The Ethiopians are not nfrly as , uncivilized as they used to be, in their fights

Italians. They've really improved a lot." "How isffiat?" asked the other. "They don't cut 'em up near as smallr" was the reply.

Press dispatches from Germany-and their publicity and propaganda departments surpass even their mechanized fighting divisions for complete audacity-tell us that Hitler has already dictated and placed on paper peace he will force upon England and the chains that will forever af hands and feet terms of and that of civilization to the foul cha the murder-brood, where his country is threatened and have already been forged in every rises to those hdights that make for lNr**

When I read t'hat stuff, my mind conjured up an entirely different scene. f saw the broken and conquered Nazi brought before the bar of Justice and charged with their eternal guilt. And one by one I saw in their turn Austria, Czechoslovakia, Poland, Denmark, Norway, Holland, Bel-

I believe that the f'r.rrlf, IorJi", is the best in Europe. The reason is that the emotional Frenchman is so highly patriotic. Whether he is a waiter, a chauffeur, a laborer, an office worker, or the descendant of the French nobility, makes not the slightest difference. Put a French uniform on him and a gun in his hands and let him go to and he something about the term-"A soldiery'f France"-that makes the heart beat faster and his{er. And something about "The make a

There is French poodle walk up and spit in the eye of an African lion. Don't forget that, when you're talking about Hitler (Continued on Page 9)

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