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How Lumber Looks
The lact two weekr has been a period of much discrucion and divided opinion on how the market wa^r going to act. Matry dealerr -'took the rtand that the California market wes due for a big drop, and they advanced'many reaxtna for their conclurionr.. -Otherr argued ttat, notwithetanding the drop in rales in iither partr of tte corurtry, ar lon-g ar the building continued at itr prerent rqte, -they murt have lumber and thete dealerr went merrily along their way' plecing orders for their requirementr. The mills are loaded witf cuttl"s orders; we know of one orden for two million feet that wL ofiered to reveral of 6e millr, and the dealer was rurable to place it anywhere, with any guarantee of delivery.
Rait-buriness will be big, according to dl indicationr; reportr from all ridq tell of good cron-s and increared -proo' p"rity in the frrhing rec{ionr, dl pointing to a good fall burinesg.
Predicting as to wholerale pricer declining any more in thir state, would be a large order for rnyone-. In the pa'rt two weeks there has been rome drops, random commonE are relling at lower pricer than of Jtme lrt, thry appligs erpecially-to l,arger ordere; it ceemr tlrat orderr for ringle cara or rmdl cergoer are being placed at pricel not much bel,ow. Green clearr are not in demand ar they were be' fore. thie rtock held 6nn for two monthr and the dederr wer6 biddlog for rtocb, rerultilng in the price remaining
6rm. At thir time, while no rgreat quantities are being ofiered, the lirt ir lower. Shingler are looking up, there har been no edvance in pricec, and the dealerr are buying more freely than a month ago.
Lath seem to be in about t&e rame rhape ar of two weekr ago, a firm demand and practically tfie reme pricee.
The mills continue to cut great quantitier of lumber. In the lart week the millr reporting to tte Wert Ccrt Lumbermen'r Aerociation, showed production of lo5'fi)Ofi)O feeL Thir is rlightly higher than the week previoru, end their ader for the period'topped the previoru week'r totd by two million feet. They rhipped 12O'OOO,O0O feet, including 21OO care of rail orderr.
The redwood mills cut and rold the rarne amount of lumber duing the part ar they did the week previous. Salee amormting to a little over 8r(XX)r(X)O feet, well over their normal production indicates no let up in the demand for redwood.
The Southem Pine Aerocietion report lookr not ro good (See lt[r. Dionnetr remarkr on this situation ebewhere on this page). For the week, 133 mills reporting to the asrociation showed their cut for the week to be 8OOOO,Ofi) feet, and new busineo amounted to but 54r(XX)r(XX). Thir con: dition will chow much different no doubt in the ncxt two weekr.