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t Club and Association News t
Coast Counties Lumbermens Club Formed At Santa Cruz
At a meeting at the St. George.Hotel, Santa Cruz. or the evening of June,2nd, lumbermen from the Salinas Valley and Monterey Counties, formed what will be known-as the Coast Counties Lumbermens Club. All the lumbermen in thiq district were invited to this meeting by the Santa Cruz lumbermen, who have been meeting for some time. The following officers were elected:
C. G. Griffith, Jr., President.
D. O. Wennerick, First Vice-President.
William Haigeus, Second Vice-President.
A. M. Sinclair. Secretarv.,
O. E. Chase, Treasurer.-
Tom Work.
F. C. Boock.
M. Campbell.
Lloyd FIibbron.
Harry Hayward.
H. Steen.
Lester Lyons.
'Ihe club consists of about thirty members, and they will meet regularly at a place to be decided upon later.
Association Busy On Building Code Report
The California Retail Lumbermen's Association are in commur.ication with the several members of the Central Committce on Lumber Standards, suggesting that certai:r changes be made in their report ai regirding shingles. They have been advised that ihe Bureau of Stindardi. at the sugge.'ion of Mr.-Hoover, is now; constructing a series of roof panels for test purposes.
A record attendarnce turned out for the annual basket picric, held by The Southern California Retail Lumber Dealers' Association, at Brookside Paik, Pabadena, June 9.
President A. E. Fickling, Mr. W. A. Viney of Covina and P. D1 Ransom of Pasadena were in dharge bf the program, and everything ran smoothly from start to finish.
After the basket lunch, the committee staged several contests, egg races, nail driving,contests, pie eating race, etc., this followed by a baseball struggle between the Lons Beach and C)^range County nines, ,in which Long Beacf, walloped the Orange County bunch to the tune of 17 to S.
Prizes for the various .contests had been donated by the cement companies, and the California Door Companv of Los Angeles provided tire smokes for the day.
At the regular Monday luncheon of the Lumber Salesman's Club of San Francisco, held at the Palace Hotel, President Richard C. Jones was in the chair. After a short business session, the members enjoyed an excellent half hour's entertainment, provided by Dick Richards, the well known San Francisco monologue artist. G. W. Buckley, San Francisco representative of the Christenson Lumber Co., who was recently voted to membership in the club, also gave a short talk to the members.
The Redwood Trip
Secretary-Manager R. F. Hammatt, of the California Redwood Associartrion, announces that plans have been completed and that the Sacramento Valley, San Joaquin Valley, and Central California Lumbermen Clubs will leave for the Redwood Region on June 18. Secretary Ha,mrnatt has sent out an itinerary of the trip, showing-a schedule that can be followed. for those par.ties leaving either San Francisco, Sacramento, Modesto, and Fresno; the itinerary calling for the various clubs to all meet at the Willits Hotel on the evening of June 18. Dinner will be served at the Willits Hotel and dancing will be enjoyed in the evening, a! guests of the California Redwood As,ociation. On June 19, tlr" party will leave 'Willits at 8 €. D." and drriv-e rto Eureka; lunch will be had at Garberville. On June 20, the party will assenrible in the lobby of the Eureka ,Inn j and representatives of Dolbeer-Carson: Hammond Lumbei Co.; J. R. Hanify; Holmes- Eureka; 'Little River, and other Redwood mills will be on hand to escort the party to any or ,all the mills. Dinner will be served ai ,thl Eureka Inn in the evening, as guests of the California Redwood Association followed by a business session. On June 21, an inspection wil,l, be made of the sawmills. remanifacturing plants, yards, stocks, etc., of tire pacific Lumber Co. plant at Scotia. Lunch will be served,,at Scotia. as the g'uests of the Pacific Lumber Co. In the afternoon. the party will leave for DeVoy Flat, which will include a beautiful drive through the Virgin Redwood timber. The night will be sp_ent at DeVoy flat, in cabins under the'giant ridwoods. June 22, the party will leave for the relturn trip home, with lunch en route at Pop McCrea's resort. The en- tire trip rvill be made by automobile, following the state higthway, which has no heavy grades and can bl made on "hig-h-" Five days will be utilized in making the trip, leavi_ng M91daI morning Tune 18 and returning Friday evening Jane 22. Secretary Ham,matt adtises that a, large crowd have signified their intentions .to make this excellent and instructive trip.
Attend Southern California Retailers Meeting
A. R. Wastell. manager, and trIrs. Jesse Eggelston. secretary, of the California Retail Lumbermen's Association. of San Francisco, represented the association at the Southenr California Retail Lumber Dealers Association annual spring picnic, held at Brookside Park, Pasadena, on June 9.
Los Angeles Lumbermens Club Meet June Eighth
A special meeting of the Los Angeles District Lurnbermens Club was held at the City Club, Los Angeles, on tlhe evening of June 8th.
Secretary-Manager E. D. Tenna,nt presided, and after an excellent diinner iMr. Tennant made a strong talk tg over fifty .of the ,m'embers ,that were in attendance. After reviewing the general conditions prevailing in the retailing market, Mr. Tennant spoke on the prospects for the continuance of the present demand for lumber.
The m,eeting was then thrown open for general discussion, and just before adjournament it was decided to ho'ld rthe next meeting on Friday evening, June -5'th, at the same place.
(Chas. R. McCormick & Conpany has just mailed the followins latter to the trad,e, containing iome z.,ery good foid f"; ii;;;til.;"Gentlemen: trVhen the camps cease operations the result is obvious. Nece-ssarily, the logging activities being the basis of the lumber industry, the law of supply aid demand is-most likely to. exemplify itself in-idvan,ced prices when these activities are suspended.
In our letter of May Z4th, we gave you our current prices applying againit Rail ,,Bi Lisi, and are now p_l_eased to advise that these prices are yet effective. We feel justified at this time, however, in rec.ommend_ tng that you place orders for any stock you ,may re_ quire, in view of conditions ar we see them.

Rumor is current today that there is imminent {ange-r of a curtailm_ent of ihe tog supply. As you ar. doubtless .aware, it has been thelusit in yeirs past for the logging camps and some of ,the milis to ihut down for a short period about July 4. for general over_ haulrng, and to avoid the hazard, of fires at this sea_ son dhen conditionsi in the tim,bered areas of the p,a_ cifi,c Northwest are most conducive to these terrible forest disasters. This sum,mer an extended shu,t-down is being contemplated in order to guarcl against the n'atural causes of these conflagrationl and t6e sin,ister influences extant in this industry which might arrail themselves of this occasion to c6mmit inceniiarv depredations.
Pe-rmit us,. therefore, to.suggest that you give this matter careful consideration; and, having done so, -we feel that.y.ou as a business man wilt plotect yoursef possibility .of a. rising market, and get your businls, now in order that.your stock.may be delivered o. irr w.hen your competitcir-is burning up the wires in orde, higher priced lurnber for his impatient customers.
Ted Lawrence Visits San Francisco
Ted Lawrence, Los Angeles manager of the Hart-Wood Lumber Co., was a retent San Francisco visitor on business. i'Ted,""who'was formerly connected with the San Francisco retail yard of the Hart-Wood Lumber Co. and one oj popular members of the Lumber Salesmen's Club of San Francisco, also spent some of his time fraternizing with his old lumber friends.
Sadler Visits Pacific Coast
A. M. Sadler, of Oklahoma Oity, Okla., is spending a few weeks in San Francisco calling on his lumbermen friends and ui'estern mill connections. Before his return east, he will go to the northwest to see his mill connections in Ciregon an-d Washington. Mr. S-adler is co'nnected with the Ed"ward J. Bannister Lumber Co., well known wholesalers of Kansas City.
C. R. Johnson, Otis Johnson, and H. P. Plummer, qmcials of the IJnion Lumber Company, have returned to San Francisco after spending several days visiting the company's mill operations at Fort Bragg. Mr. Plummer, was aciompanied to Fort Bragg, by G. A. Goodrich, Los Angeles iepresentative of the Unign Lumber Company.
The International Mahogany & Trading Corporation, importers and manufacturers mahogany logs, lumber, -and veneers. with headquarters in New Orleans, have opened-up an office in the Ho-bart Building, San Francisco, where they will look after their California business. J. O. Elmer will be their California representative.

Cobon Slot/r/l KniYes
Hieh Speeit Inlaiil Kntves
Sticfter anil Planer Bolts
Saniler Felt
Mortice Cfiisels l* Bit;s
Machine Bits Etc.
"Handy Andy" ia a hand cement mirer that takce thc backache out of mixing concrctc -pia6 two batchcs evc5y 3 minutee.
With "Handy Andy" threc mcn can mix and pour 20 Yards of well mixed concrcte in ten hourg. It savea ita cost every two daYr.
"The Most Practical 'Bueinces'Gettcr and Good-will Builder I cver got hold of," lrays one dealer. Another eaye "We secured morc than $3000 worth of non'competitive business in 3 months last fall as a direct redt of loaning one of these handy little machines to a customer purchasing cement."
Makec a hit with Farmers and cmall Contractora
"Handy Andy" weighs only 135 pounds,c.rated for shipment. Easy to opeiate, simple to handle, nothinc to break or get out of order.
Write today for exclusive franchise for use and sale in' your town.
George W. Wood, of Wood Brothers Company, Santa Cruz, was recently elected a director of the California Retail Lumbermen's Association, to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of George H. Cardiff, of Santa Cruz. Mr. Cardlfi's company, the Central Lumber Company, has been purchased by the Homer T. Hayward Lumber Co., and Mr. Cardiff is now associated with the wholesale lum[er business.
P. J. McNevin, rti-ne well known and popular San Francisco lumber man, is leaving about the middle of the month on a business trip to Australia an'd New Zealand. His present itinerary aalls for stops at Melbourne, Sidney, Ade- laide, and New Castle, Australia; and Auckland, New Zea- land. Mr McNevjn is making the trip in the interests of the Redwood -E*p-ort Co., who are thi expont representa- tives of several redwood mills. He expects 1o retuin to San Francisco about October I and will be accom,panied on his trip by Mrs. McNet|l.ll9 d""*h,. iss Lillian McNevin.

F.,MAY.BUILDING.PERMITS NEARLY $5,OOO,OOO San Francis"otbuildittg permits clurins the month of Mav qgacfred'a lgtal of '948,ior an estimaied ."rt oi $4,y28:,- %6.00. Although'M"y, 1922, was one of the hbavieit m,onths in the history of the city, the month just passed showed an increase over the same period last -vearwhen 785 permits were issued for buildinj to cost $43r7,ffi.U;. Since the first 9f the year, lU7 new brrildings have been staf!.ed iir San Francisco, the majority of them being home struCturis and apartments.