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Yard, Mill, Office and Road
What Live California Lumbermen Are Doing
Shingles Dried On Steamer
The Paramino Lumber_Company,_vet_erans on the Pa- Mr. Clare E. Glasby, manager of the Sash and Door cific Coast in the wholesale lumber business, had an odd Company, known as Glasby & Co1np"r,y, it Los Angeles, expcriencelatelywithashipmentof cedarshingles. Mr.C. has just'completed a deal'whereby'his'company hai acF" Befy. Los Angeles manager.fot this company relates quired a build'ing site in Vernon, -"h"r" they wi1"stait iml9*. tlyt company, w-he.n l.olding one of the vessels, the mediately on thi construction oi a large n'ew factoiy and "Lake Frances," one of the lake type steamers operated by warehouse. the Paramino Company, having an extra large shipment-of They expect to be moved into this new plant within re-d ceclar-shingles to load and-finding every ap-parent bit ninety'<tays, and Mr. Glasby announces that thiir €ompany of available space on the boat full, stored a.small quantity will no doubt retain their original warehouse on Bay stieel, of the shingles in a small steel- lired _s_pace between decks, tlris to be used as a storag" ih.d for surplus stocki. justabovetheenginesandboilers.Mr.Berrystatesthat/when these shingles.were loaded they were good green /SaCneUENTO yARD MAKING IMpROVEMENTS cedar shingles, but that when their custometi::t:::9.1*-{
The Friend & Terry Lumber company, have recentry shipment,.he thanked the Paramino Lum'ber company fo1 completed their new ofifi^ce, next to their piani on Seconh sending him, at no extra cost, part of his order in KILN
.ompany, announces that they iniend making more im-
The Paramino Lumber Company are among the large shippers of the pacific coast, their home office being in San provetnents around the plant' and will have one of the'most up to date lumber yards in the state w'hen the work is done.
Francisco in charge of Mr. Pararnino, ancl Mr. Berry is in charge of the southern sales.
Mr. Clyde A. Makin, formerly manager of another of the Miller & Lux yards, recently was tansferred to the yard at Los Banos, replacing Mt. J. P. Delaney former manager, who will in the future be in charge of other of the Miller & I.ux operations.