1 minute read
Practical Paint Pointers
Howdy ! Have you taken the census of unpairted buildings in YOUR district ?
You can't sell the other fellow YOUR shed looks like something paint for HIS shed, if the cat dragged in.
A goocl coat of paint will seal the pores of the wood, keep out moisture a4d frost, protect your buildings against decay, and make them good to look at. Tell your tiade so.
Is YOUR place of business so arranged that you would have the nerve to offer building advice to Mrs. Newlywed, and suggest to her how HER home should be painted and stained, without first putting blinders on her so that she couldn't see u'hat YOUR taste is like?
Read up on paints ancl painting. Be prepared to tatt intelligently to your prospective paint customer about his or her needs. Be prepared to sell the proper paint for every building you sell the lumber for. Have samples of painted and stained wood in your office to VISUALIZE what vou say, and your battle is half won.
Ha'i'e you gone out and hustled yet? That's the only real wav to get for those them. orders paint
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