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Grab This Advertising Thought
Here are rome advertiring tboughtr that will imprerc YOU. I knorv they will, becaure they turn up lome idear in a ver:r intererting tway. They came to me tbe otber day in the meit from rny friend P$g- B. Kl-e. lPeter knows I am alwayg in tbe market for new {antr at publicity, so he sent me theee.
Catch thir one. "Advertiring in a newrpaper ir nrerely the delivering of the advertber's me$rge to lthe readerr of the paPer. If yo.l wer-e- t9 telegraph rome person for fifty dollars and you did not get it, you wouldl't blame lhe Wertirn Union, would' you? Yet thertelegraph wire and rervice b very much like the newrpaper. It is a vehicle for delivering the melragp and fhat is alt that cen be expected of it, and the opporttmity and tte setrice b what the advertirer payt for."
That is tte be* antwer I ever heard to tte fellow who said he tried edventising, and didn't get rerultr. {It dmply agrec! with rvhat har been laid in theee columnr ttousandr of timet-that it isntt the fault of ite medium, when advertiring doern't pay, it ie iurt the fault)of the advertirer' hir goodr, or his melsage.
Asain we read in thig dope from Mr. Kyne: "The advertirer buyq an opportgnity to tell hir rtory to the readers of the prper. If the reade6 do noi anr*er, it ir becaure hir name or propodtion doet not appeal to ther4' or becaure ttey have NOT faith in the advertirer' The great benefit that come! from advertisiog ir the moulding of favoreble public lopinion about tte advertirer. Ask any man, woman, or child in New York City vfiich irthe best je-lry rtore in,townr-and the reply will be 'fifiany'r'. And yha[ hae Tifiany done to gain thic favorable opinion? It hu built a bgrines along linea that met with the recpect of the public, iand then rent the publid a messaie ro continuowly covering a period of yearr as to make tAem understend and become in accord lwith the ideald that Tiffany rtandr for. It ir the confidence and relpect of the publiq backed by continuous adver' tiring, that has made Tiffany farnour.tt
"\)Vhen an advertirer trier a papcr of ertablirhed chrec{er and reputation, the papcr ir not on trial. All it har to do ir carry the meoage. The entire brrden ir on tbe adverticcr." I
Here ir anotter good thought: "Autornobiler ere rupplied nowadayr witb everything exccpt intelligence, and the buyer and &iver murt lfrrnirh that. An-advertiring:medirmr, abo, i3 rimply the perfectly equippcd vehicle' and the man who Jdvertirec in it mut funfih the intelligencc for hir own advertiring."
And here ir anottcr: ..Advertiring ir like a college. lCollegel cannot make tucccget of every men who goel to them" The rclponribility for 'tc tuscc!3 of a rhrrdcnt docr not lrert on tbe collcgc hc gocr to, but on t'hc rhrdcnt hftilelf. And advcrtiring cennot maLe e tucclrt of wery boob rncrchuttt
Some mighty 6nc advcrtLing thougbtr in thc abovc linc'up.
Member Mills
Albion Lumber Company
Dolbeer & Carson Lumber Co.
Glen Blair Redwood Company
Hammond Lumber Company
J.-R. Hanify Company {C*l
Hobbs, Wall & Company
Holmes Eureka Lumber Co.
Llttle Rlver Redwood Co.
Mendoclno Lumber Company
Northwestern Redwood Co. {
The Pacific Lumber Company' Union Lumber Company d

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