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Booth-Kelly Making Changes
The Booth-Kelly Lumber Co., of Eugene, Oregon, has just completed and are now operating their big new saw mill at Wendling, Oregon, and has built additional ,cranes and dry kilns. With this doubling of their capacity they have been reorganizins their sales organization. H. C. Clark, for many years handlir-rg the company's trade in the Sacramento Valley, with ar oltfice in Sacramento, has been given a deserved promotion and transferred to the South, opening offices in the Centr:al Building, Los Angeles, from whic'h point he will direct the company's business in Southern California and in Arizona and New Mexico.
The Sacramento Valley territory has been annexed to the San Francisco office, Marvin Building, and J. R. Neylan u'ill look after this northern territory as well as continue to sell Booth-Kelly stock in the Sar Joaquin and Peninsula territories. He rvill attend to the office and make short trips, while H. C. Henrv, for several years u'ith the Modesto Lumber Co., and later with Bennett-Hamlin, will call on the trade regularly in both Valleys.
Alro ovcrlrthing in Dougler Fir Lumbcr 'Univcrrity Brend' Shinglcr elc our Spccielty.
Mr. Clark's assistants have not yet been selected, but he intends to personally call on the trade as much as practicable.
The Bootrr-Kelly Lumber Co. is one of the very largest in the Northwest, and have just built at Wendling, Oregon, one of the finest and most m,odern mills on the coast, replacing the one burned last summer. The General Offices are at Eugene, Oregon, A. C. Dixon being General Manager, while L. L. Lewis is Sales Manager, with.offices in the Gasco Building, Portland.
In addition to the Los Angeles and San Francisco. offices above mentioned, Eastern sales offices are maintained in Minneapolis and Omaha, with sales connections in numerous other eastern cities. Their advent into the Los Angeles territory with direct mill represehtatives will be welcomed by the many dealers who h.ave been lbuying Booth-Kelly stocks. Mr. Clark has been in the lumber business for many years and is experienced in all its branches. Nlr. Neylan. "Bert," as he is called, is very popular in his old territory and is fairly well known in that section.