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Sell to the Widest Market
Whether for new construction, remodeling, covering old plaster walls, or making partitionsQempq-Board 6lls every demand for a strong, durable, climate-proof wall lining. l
A New Glasco Product
Glasby & Company of Los Angeles, wholesale dealers in sash doors and built in cabinets have added a new line to their materials kn,own to the trade as "Glasco Products."
Mr. Clare E. Glasby, manager of this company in looking for a new commodity to offer his trade, became interested in the phenominal sales in other parts of the country of a product known as "Beatsall" Leather Mats. This material is manufactured by the Leather Mat Manufacturing Company, at San Francisco, and it is an interesting piece of merchandise. Constructed of specially cut, heavy sole leather into pliable mats of any size or shape, heavily reinforcecl with wire to insure long life, these mats are used for manv purposes where it has been the custom to use the old style heavy steel mats. Country clubs, restaurants, hotels, banks and many other institutions are eagerly buying tiris as a covering for floors and stairs that are used considerably. Mr. Glasby states that the material is also well suited in small ,mats to be used at the entrance to homes, and that the trade has accepted the line very satisfactorily.
Mr. Emil E. Seidel will manage this department for Glasby & Company, and will call on the trade in Souther:r Califo.rnia to explain the merits of this material.
The only wall board made that has the combined fcaturer of (l) great strength (2) resistance to moisture (3) protection from heat and cold.
Compo-Board has the extra strensth needed to stand hard knocks and to resist the "pull" of wall paper. It takes any decoration-can be papered, painted or kalsomined. Does not require panel strips.
Compo-Board keeps out the dampness and frost and is as warm as a plaster wall a foot thick. Does not crack, warp, shrink or fall off. Made and sold for 30 years. Look for the wood core. None other is genuine.
Prompt detivery of all orders. Big stocks always on hand.
The Compo-Board Co.
9Zl Eret 3rd St. Lor Angclcr, Crl. lYholcralc Only
Frctory end Main Oftcc, Minncapolir, Minn.
Bad Fire At Pittsburg
Causing a loss of approximately $50,000.00, a fire in the plant of the Redwood Manufacturers Company, at Pittsburg, burned a portion of their original wooden kilns, and a considerable part of the lumber that was in them at the time.
The fire was discovered early in the morning, and it was due to the prornpt response to the alarm of hundre'ds of employees of the.company that no more damage was done.