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A Few Cold Stories
Every now and then cold weailrer atoriec aie appropos.
They tell about the rvisitor who war rhivering in lhe sold wind'of puluth, Minn., one July day. Don't you ever have any summer up here?" he asked a native. "Sonietineatt war the reply, ''\pe have rome lummerr.but !enerdly we iut have one month of poor deighing."
A men from Buffalo was telling how cold it geti in the winter in hil torpn" "Cold in Buffalo?" snorted a hearer dirguftcdlv; "why you folkr in Buftalo don't know what cold ii. You ought to come to Winnipeg in February." "h it ver5r cold in Winnipeg?" he war arked. "Ir it?" he answcred, t'whYr we dontt'Gveril uae the snow in Winnipeg until itfr.two yearl old."
In Texas the tovm of Amarillo is famour in botrh rong and rtory for tbe cold weet{rer that sometimer developr up there iir the Panhandle. They tell about the two American roldiers in the trencher in France, wairt deep in rtucb and rnow; and ruffering reverely. "I never war thir cold before in my lifer",raid one. "l've been colder jurt oncer" replied the other, "it ryas one rummer dey in A,nrarillo. And another good old .dmarillo rtory ir about the Texan who visited the Klondike in,the winter. He woke up one morning to find it derperately cold', and was advircd that it war 5O below zero. ttGreat Herveut' ,hc exclaimed. ttif it'a ttat cold HERE' ,just tl.i'.k how cold it murt be in Amarillo.tt