1 minute read
nok the oakflooringyou bgr fiutflw?
How can you know, when You buY oak flooring, that it is going to be tmiformly dependable?
Before you buy oak fooring, You have a right to ack these questions: l-Is it the selection of only the best rough oak lumber?
2-Is the lumber thoroughly air-dried before being placed in kiln ?
3-Is it kiln-dried in modern moist-air kilns ?
4-Is the lumbelallowed to cool lor 72 hours after kiln drying so that it wil: attain its natural condition before it is manufactured into flooring?
5-Is modern machinery used in ripping, thus reducing crooked flooring to a minimum?
6-Are modern end-matcher and sidematcher machines used, inluring perfectly matched flooring?
7-Is the flooring carefullv graded by high ctass, experienced graders, and carefully inspected by chief inspector and several assistants ?
8-Is the stock keot in moisture-proof sheds, and carefullv handled when shipoed ?
Long-Bell Trade-Marked oak flooring answers "YES" to these questions.
Long-Bell oak flooring can be identified by the Long-3ell trade-mark on the back of the piece.