1 minute read
Man is the only animal that blushes-or needs to.
Here you and yours may taste the pleasure of snowballing, coasting and ski-ing, orl summer days, when less fortunate parts of the country are sweltering.
Visit Tacoma this summer. Bring your family. Get acquainted at first hand with "The Lumber Capital of America' and the men behind the forest products industries that make Tacoma and Tacoma District pre-eminent.
Tacoma is situated in the very heart of "The Summer Playground of America," the enchanted land of the Pacific Northwest. You will enjoy the cool bracing air, the remarkable scenerl, the mountains, the blue salt water, the shimmering lakes, the excellent paved roads through virgin forests. The long, cool sunlit days and cool, comfortable nights will rest and refresh you. No troublesome insects, no reptiles, no cyclones, no thunderstorms.
And, while enjoying a vacation the charm of which you will never forget, you will also become acquainted with the raw materials, the facilities and the personalities behind "The Lumber Capital of America."
On request we will send you, free, a handsome illustrated book describing Tacoma's industrial and scenic attractions. Ask for any information you need. Plan to come.