2 minute read
$25 ro flS}Additiond Profit on Each House BillYou Sell
Extra GProfits on o Home-buiWi"g
Essential Ofued Exclusirely Through \etail lBuilding Matqial lDealets
II THEN prospective home-builders be' W g"o to iook-to their lumber dealer for advie-in the selection of building materiele, the old-fashioned idea about the lumber dealer handling only lumber went into the diecard.
Todev the retail lumber dealer can get closer tb home'builders and eetablish him' self more firmly as the local building mate' rial speciatist by helping home'builders get *.r"tibetter homes through the use of BAL' SAM-WOOL house insulation. And while he ir aoi"g it, make an extra profit of $25 to $50 on each house bill.
BAISAM-WOOL is an ideal addition to the retail lumber dealer's stock. It calls for only a small investment. [t costs little to handle and stock. Every home-builder, home'owner and farmer is a prospective- customer' BAL' SAM-WOOL profits ate additional profits'
BALSAM-WOOL does not displace nor does it compete with other items of yard stock'
The retailer makes'a lasting friend every time he sells BALSAM'WOOL on a house iob' The value of BALSAM'WOOL becomee strikingly apparent shortly after the home'builder *6.1"i into his new home. For BALSAMWOOL does what other commercial building materials cannot do. Itmakes the house l0f9o weather-proof and entirely comfortable, by shutting out the excessive cold of winter and the extleme heat of summer. It eliminates draughts, dust and dampness. It-keeps inside the h"ouse the heat from the heating plant and thus eliminates fuel waste.It makes possible an annual saving of from 25Voto33*%in fuel' And it is an efrcient sound deadener' Its low first cost and small cost of installation place it within financial reachof every home'builder'
The dealer who sells BALSAM'WOOL will find a responsive market. House insulation is rtot new or unheard of. The public is be' comingalert to its many advantages and sav. ings. Whole sections of the country now call house insulation a building necessity.
The dealer who ties to BALSAM-WOOL picks the leader. Tests conducted by the U.S. Bureau of Standards show it to be the mostefficient house insulation on the market. ft is waterproof and windproof. In the process of manufacture it is rendered fire-resis. tant and distasteful to rats, mice and vermin.It is sanitary and permanent.
Contractors and carpen. ters like BALSAM-WOOL. Its light weight makes it easy to handle and apply. It comes in standard widths suited for immediate application. It can be cut to any required length right on the job with a knife or hatchet. There is no waste. It is flexible and can be fitted snug and tight with a minimum of timeand labor.
BALSAM-WOOL comes in standard sealed Pack- ages, light in weight and easily handled and stored. It does not deleqiorate or degrade. There are no odds and bnds and damaged pieces to accumulate and eat up profits.
In BALSAM-WOOL you have a profitable and a perfectly.logical side line, capable of increasingyour volume in slack times ae well as in the busy seasons-the best product of its kind, backed by the reputation, resources and prestige of the entire'Weyerhaeus€r organization.
You will find in your dealings with the Wood Conversion Company, who manufacture BALSAM-WOOL, the same spirit of fair dealing and the same business integrity that has characterized this organization through sixty-five years of successfully serving the retail trade.

If you are not in position to buy a carload, put in a trial order of 5,000 or 10,CI0 feet. Advertising material will be supplied you. This trial order will convince you of its sales possibilities.
Sample, prices and complete information on BALsAM-wooL may be secured through our local district representatives or by mail addressed to our near. est branch office.