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Swayne Mill Will Add Night Shift
The Swayne Lumber Company at Oroville will bring their daily production up to close to 200,Cm feet, by the addition of a night crew on one saw.
They are now cutting 165,000 feet per day with two saws operating, and Mr. W. H. Swayne states that they will no doubt be adding considerably to their force for this seasons .cut.
Ready To Ship
The Mountain Lumber Company, of Placerville, are working two full crews in their Happy Valley camp, and alreadv have a quantity of stock ready for shipment.
Calpine Lumber Interests Sold
The Davies-Johnson lumber interests of Calpine have been sold to the Blagen Company of Grays Harbor,'Wash., and the new company is taking control at once.
The construction on the property began about lhree years ago with success in some of the finest timber in this section of Sierra Courty. It is situated on the northwest side of the Sierra Valley.
Sawmill and Box FactorY fALIFORNIA lumber rnerchants by the score are \-r 6n4ing Color-Thatch a real money maker. It is the perfected stained shingle, the roof and sidewalk covering par excellent.
The property consists of a sawmill that operates during the summer sCason, a box factory that runs continuously, a donkev camp of some extent and a wheel camp operating eight sets of ;wheels.
We can ship you rtraight or mixed cars of the materialr lieted here. You Gan put many necesdtier in a eingle car. We manufachrre alt this rtock oureelver. You know the quality of Arkanrae hardwoode. Priccr or information gladly furnirhed.
Scores arernaking money with Color-Thatch, ate you ?

Color-Thatch combines in a single material the desirable qualities home builders look for--color, hartnohy, line effect, minimum upkeep, durability.
We select for Color-Thatch nothing but the best comb-grain (quarter sawn) red cedar shingles of pefi,ect grade specifications. We- impregtlate them by special process-with Cabot's Creosote Shingle Stain--for half a century the standard of stain quality.
Color-Thatch will be a real money maker foryou, as well as for the scores of others for whom it is now producing profits. Write today for our dealer proposition, prices and complete inforrnation.