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Purely Personal
Southern Pine Association Appoints New Secretary
President John H. Kirby of the Southern Fine Association, in an officia{'a'nnountement to directors and subscribers of the Asodeiation, of the death on'saturday, June 2, of Secretary-MCfiaget John E. Rhodes, stited that pending a meeting of th-er"Board.'of Directors, he'has appointed H. C. Berckes, assistant secretary-nianager, as acting secretary-manager of the'Association.
Mr. Lionel Ray, secretary ,lor the Cole M,anufacturing Company, I{emphis, is spending several weeks in Los Angeles and vicinity. Mr. Ray is accompanigd by Mrs. Ray and their son. The Cole Manufacturing Company manufactures sash doors and general millwork, at Memphis.
W. A. Talbot, San Francisco representative of the well known retail lumber dealer, lfriilliam Smith, has returned to the Bay after spending a two-weeks' vacation in Los Angeles and Southern California. While in T,os- Angeles he ialled on his many lumber friends there and also spent several days taking rirany irtteresting side trips to various Southern California points.
Weed Lumber Company Adds Night Shift
The \Areed Lumber Company, has been forced to add a four-hour over-time Shift at their nill at Weed, and state that they will no doubt^have to continue with this program for some tine.
I In the month of May buildirig.ipermits to the value $18,926,881.00 were a.utfugrized in jl-os Angeles. This slightly less'thert the totat for Aprflof is
Washington, D. C., June l5.-Preventable losses in seasoning lumber total around $50,000,000 every year, accord- ing to the Forest Service, I)epartment of -Agriculture, which announces a new handbook on kiln drying prepared !y Mt. Rolf Thelen of the Forest Products Laboiatory at Madison, Wis.
Fundamental facts about the drying of wood which a kiln owner or operator must know in oider to get the most satisfactory results with his kilns are presJnted in the booklet, together with information concerning different types of kilns, instruments and apparatus ernployed in kiln drying.
The handbook contains 24 illustrations and a series of drawings showing types of kilns. The information presented is based on experiments conducted at the Forest Products Laboratory.
Copies of the handbook, which is known as Department Bulletin 1136, may be secured from the Superintendent of Documents, Government Printing Offrce, Washington, D. C., for 25 cents per copy. Always ask for the handbook by number-Department Bulletin 1136.
Ship Sale Confirmed
Confirmation of the sale of the freighter Silverado, recently purchased by the McCorrnick Steamship Company from the shipping board, was made yesterday by C. H. Wheeler of the McCormick company, following receipt of a wire from the board. The Sih'erado is now at Puget Sound and Port Engineer Hill of the cornpany has gone north to make an inspection of the vessel. The Silverado is a sister ship of the Wallingford, recently purchased by the McCormick company. The Silverado is a vessel of 2,298 tons gross ar.rd 1,359 net tons. She was built at Long Beach in 1918 and is 245.6 feet long, with a beam ol 42 feet and a depth of 24.1 feet.
Retail Lumbermen

make a profit on and satisfy their customers with Hardwood the finest manufactured is priced as low ar .ny on the markel
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Help your community to build substantially.
This combination of highest quality and lowest price cannot be equalled.
_ The perfect manufacture, high grading and unit-":T_CgT, together wirh the low piice, makes PER|EPTION the most economical and satisfactory Oak flooring obtainable on the market today.
Write or wire us for prices. sth
Hardwood Flooring
Identifies a "Grand Rapids Made" product that is as noted for its careful manufacture as the fine furniturl which has made the city famous throughout the world.