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Friendly Business
Tho budDes ol bottr8 t lumber aloder tm;t ru moth slrltrg' rDY &or€ thrD uY &ner turfns |r. Th€n src tlrtchd of ''rouiht water" en@unt€red eY€ry drtorcbliro onatutlY @ElDg uP to rednd fli aolcr thst i dou$ lsn't rc ssdlY irioc rfter ru. Anvtht!8 to mrke htE dallv €fort s Uttls more frutttul-moro Dl6rsant-- lr reEatbbg tor tho lmb€r doilsr to llYa @uD8€l to.
- America's most unique commercid wood. Ueeful for a thousand Purposes. 'We manufacture 75/s of all lumber of this species and own 7570 of all available timber.
|. | 50,000,000 feet Douglas
AI{NUAL CUT] 3o,ooo,oootFo,., orrord I Cedar ono thlng tbrt ls oa d€pldcd vslu€ to tbo dsla la DtHnc lflondly busbesE b guporlor Ort trl@rlna. Itt hlfb qurutv, tbo DmmDt dcUvort rc cu EdG, lnEuro msumc lstlrlrctlon thrt mom! lncrcred tpod rlll wlth 8Ertpr budnes. If you e not I guDortor D€rl6r, f,rlto us to rhow you bow It rtll bo to yilr rdrrntrgo to bG on8.
We distribute our stock from Bay Point and San Pedro, C.alifornia.
SupcriortOrL Flooring Compeny suplotOah FIwt H.f..l Arlrnu atceJoY fccoe
Orc. tlXX) Balfour Bldg.
What The World Is Looking For
The world today is looking for men who are not for sale; men who are honest and sound from center to circumference, true to the heart's core; men with consciences as steady as the needle to the pole; men who will stand for the right if the heavens totter and the earth reels; men who can tell the truth and look the world right in the eye; men who neither bragg nor run, men who neither fag nor flinch; men who can have courage without shouting it; men in whom the everlasting life runs still, deep, and strong; men who know their 'message and tell it; men who know their business and attend to it; men who know their place and fill it; men who will not lie, shirk, or dodge; men who are not too lazy to work, nor too proud to be poor; men who are willing to eat what they have earned, and wear what they have paid for; men who are not ashamed to say '(NO" with em,phasis, and who are not ashamed to sav.. "I can't affoid it."
Cochrane Lumber Company Making Additions
The Cochrane Lumber Company of Petaluma is building a large addition to their mills, the second enlargement made by this company since they began business. This new building will be 84x32.
'Ihe Gas Schooner Coquille carrying 150,000 feet consign'ed by the Caspar Lumber Companv to the Rinehart T.umbe_r Company of San Francisco] sp-rung a leak when about five miles north of Caspar, and afler a heroic attempt with the pumps to save her, Capt. Rosengrand and crew were forced to abandon the ship and take to the open sea in boats.
Tire vessel drifted onto the beach and was soon pounded to pieces. It is practically a total loss, there being very Iittle chance to salvage any of the .machinery or cargo.
New Name For Pasadena Yard
The na'me of the Cash Lumber Company has been changed to the A and A Lumber Company. This yard, in Pasadena was opened recently by C. A. Austin and J. A. kzar-, in, both well known business men of Pasadena.
We Offer