2 minute read
Don't you feel a sense of real satisfaction, Mr. Dealer, when you sell your customer the material for his home, and recommended for all p.it" of the building exposed to the weather a wood that will last for generations?
Sell him Redwood for permanence. He will thank you now and later.
From All OVer the State
tions, and reports will be fil.d itr S;Ciamento. After the completion of a section of the Survey tt will be possible for an individualto give to the State money t6 be used for securing parld lands, the tri6t of Redwoods ilr other timber lands to be designated by the donor.
The State Forestry Board will then endea.ior to purchase the tract, and if unible to come to an agreement;ith the owner may invoke the right of eminent domain to secure the state's title to the property.
J. D. Grant, of San Fra.nbisco, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Save the Redwoods League, explains that this law received the support hot only oT ttre Liague and other conservation societies, but also of representatives of the lumber interests of the state. It is feir to everyone, he states.
"The passage of this act aids the saving of our groves of Redwoods," said Chairman Grant. "It makes it easy for individuals to donate these groves tothe state. The State Forestry Boar'd is in a better position to negotiate with owners. It is not our desire to invoke condemnation proceedings, except in extreme cases where the public interest can not otherwise be served. The policy of the Save the Rdwoods League has been to co-operate with the lumber interests. We have at all times endeavored to be fair to thern and we shall continue this policy. Up to the present time the State Forestry Board ardthe Save the Redwoods League, acquiring over half a million dollars worth of Redwood timber,'irave not found it necessary to invoke the right of eminent domain."
Goodrich Spends Several Days In The Bay District
E. A. Goodrich of Los Angeles, Southern California representative of the Union Lumber Company, was a recent San Francisco visitor where 'he transacted business at the company's San Francisco office. He also spent a few days with H. P. Plummer, vice-president of the Union Lumber Company, in visiting their mill operations at Fort Bragg.
The State Railroad Commission has granted the Albion Lumber Company, one of the largest dealers in redwood lumber on the coast, permission to purchase a large portion of the stock of the Outer Harbor Dock and Wharf Company at Los Angeles Harbor. The stock of the dock company consists of $1,000,000 par value of class "C" shares; $250,000 par value of class "8" preferred stock, and $747,0n par value of common. According to shipping men this purchase will give the Albion lumber interests control of the harbor company and will mean the increase of docking facilities

Dry Kiln Company Doing Good Business In California
Mr. Carl A. Kupfer, California representative for the North Coast Dry Kiln Company of Seattle, has closed some recent contracts in Southern California with well known companies.
Mr. Kupfer, working out of Berkley, attends to the business of the company for the entire state, and he is now installing work for the following concerns: T,he Pacific Door and Sash Co., E. K. Wood Lumber Company, L. W. Blinn Lumber Company, Pratt & Warner, Frank Graves Company and the Los Angeles Lttmber Products Company.