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You What You Want in Lumber Products Q.rickl
HAT can you use to advantage of Pacific Nolthwest lumber, or le-manufactured lumber products ?
Whatever it is, Tacoma-"T'he Lumber Capital of America"-carr supply it, quickly, completely and econom'ically.
Ask Tacoma for dimension or special orders in Douglas l,'ir, \4restern Red Cedar or \Arest Coast llemlock; fot remanufaetured products such as doors, veneel panels, columns, wood pipe, broom and mop handles, cross-arms and conduit, shingles, box shooks, sash, moulding, ply wood, boxes, crates, cases, tank and silo stock, tubs, pails, kits, etc.
Tacoma is the pulse and center of a tremendous lumber-producing area. The daily cut of the Tacoma District would provide modern, firreroom houses for more than 400 families.
Tacoma manufactures more forest products than any other city in America. Four great railroads serve Tacoma's needs. fler water shipping facilities are unexcelled. Situated on one of the five great harbors of thc world she is equipped with modern lumber docks and handling equipment of the first order.
Send vour orders to Tacoma. Tacoma manufacturers can, and u'ill, give you immediate attention and accurate service-?s'ith speed!
To hazte gour inquiries reach the entire lumber manufactnrino interests of Tacoma and, Taco'rna l)istrict, zarite or zsire at on,ce. Sia\1-page, board-bound book, liberallg illustrated,, d,escribino'I'acoma'$ lumber industry and, glioing directory of manufacturers, tlrcir prod,ucts and specialties, sent free on request.
T.ACOMA LUMBERMEN'S CLUB, Ta.o-a, Warhington