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The obal roof-another Richardson contiibution toward more beautiful homes
You will 6nd in this newest Richard, son roof an exclusive new coloringopal-to add still greater beauty to your nome.
The opal roof is formed by a skillful blending on each shingle of the two most beautiful Richardson colors in elate,weathered brown and iadeqreen. Applied just as they coml froh the bundle, these new_ opal shingles give to your roof a colorine like-thai of suniight fi lt€rine throuefi' dancingleaves freih 6 popular when applied in combination withother Richardson shingles of iade green,tile red, or blor|.pearl. In fact, there is a Multicrome Roof to har, monize with every color scheme, and to please every customer's taste. the,old,roof jobs. And rememberfor every roofng need there is a Richardson product.
The new colors, opal and weath, ered brown, are used only on the Richardson Super, Giant Shinglefamous for its beauty and endurance.
Acthte selling help
With its inner foundation of Rich, dancing leaves on a f sPring lawn.
The Richaroson
Muhicrome Roof
In addition to opal, the Multicrome Roof is laid in other pleasins color effects. rte rare"weatheredhown,for example, has proved especiilly
Smndnd Shinglc ardson felt, for fifty years recognized as the best; coated and satu, rated with Viskalt, the vaCUUm , prOCessed water proofng, 9.87o pure bitumen, the Super, Giant assures you lost' ingbeauty for your roof Richardson Multi.
\ly, Suoa-$iant Shingh - 5ofi crome Roofs are equally *i:::Li#;'ln#,"ffi ij,?"practicalfornewof over.