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Notiondl Adqtertisrng is crea,fi,ng d l-aminex ma,rket fo, you!
From Maine to Califomia, door users, contractors and architects are getting the facts about Laminex doors.
Durinc 1924, nearlv 2l million advertisements will be printed on Laminex doors in such magazines as the Saturday Evening Post, American Architect & Architectural-Review, American Builder, National Builder, Building Age and Building Journal, Architectural Record.
This camoaisn announces a perfected, built-up door-the result of 3l vears' researih 5v the largest d6or mdnufacturer in the world. Laminex &,rrro^cs the coimon laulk of. door construction which resuL in shrinking, swelling and warPing.
Every kirid of test has been made to prove the success of this door. Thousands have seen actual use, in all climates. &ientific tests were madc bv the Forest Products Laboratory, University of Washington' And in a qieat sash and door warehouse fire bt Nashville on October lJ, 1923 ' Laminex doors with others of every typ€, were subjected to a deluge of water and terrific heat. Not a Laminei door slowed the slightest signs of giaing way, blistering or buchling, while many others failed.
We have a retail selline-help plan which will enable you to get the benefit of our great nationaliamfaign' Ask your jobber about it or write us.
Every Laminex door is trade-marked and bears our gold label replaccment guarantee.