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How Lumber Looks
If courtailrnent in production and lecsened shipmente into tbc California market ic the remedy or remedies for the precent dturtion, tten the reportr for thir month to date will cery rn encouragement.
Reportr from the North give newr of more millr that havc cut down on production, of a number that have alrcedy rhut-downr_and'predictionr that the July shut down thir year will not be a'temporery rtoppage, but that a large nunber of good rized mills have announced their intention of rtaying clored for aq indefinite period. Thir period to cnd, it _ir pregurncd, when the ritrntion h"s "l""rJ i" -" point where the mills can manufacture and market at a profit
. Lunrbcr receiptr-in San Pedro Harbor, for the first ten 9"ry ir, J"ner totdled jur! a little over thirty-three million feet, jurt about three and.onethird million per day, indi_ cating a mont[ romewhere eround ninety millioi f;;ii -Th; May receiptr totalled l2O'OOO,(X)O feet -the "r""ff."it"rti for monthr, and prior to that each month saw around one h"qdt-94 and forty million coming in at thir port.
Building in the Southern part of the state doer not rhow much let-upi The permits in Los Angeler to the night of tlre llth, were $3,6341131.00 worth of buildlngr, covering 1433 permitr. Lert month this city authorized around $9,OOO,OOO.
One commodity that is overstocked' ir rhingler. Tbc yardr throughout the gtate seem to be loaded, or at leart stocked up, and as a rerult of a very poor dernand, the price har weakened. A o3antity of unsold rhingler h"" "o-c into the ltate, some of them of a low grade.
The general demand ir a little better, with no higbcr priger, but a more optomistic feeling right down the line, and a better outlook for both wholesaler and retail man
A large percentage of the orders being placed are for cutting; flooring and all uppers reem to be firm, and leth hawe not changed in the lagt two weekr.
The 6r mills in their last report show a week'r cut of 9O,OOO,OOO feet, and sales totalling 8O million.
Comparative Twenty-Two Weeks in West Coast Lumber
wect coast Lumbennens' Association weekly reports on production, the firct twentv-two weeks of the past d;;;;.,-"r; as follows: and shipments, for