1 minute read
JSan Fernando Valley Lumbermen's Club Formed
Retail lumbermen of the Sah Fernando.valley Erve join- / It -". decided that the newly formed club.would meet ed in an organization to be known as The San Fernando v"ll.t L;;it;;;;;r club, with members from the retail monthlv' at a point designated by the Secreta'ry. lgmber _yagds in Sa" Fernando, V"r, No1ir, 'O;.;r;;;Tli'
The purpose of the club is to give an opportunity to the Burbank, Glendal-e. and other points located in the te.ritory retailers of this district to get together and discuss the compnsin-g this district - varjous. problems of their busine$s, and to bring them to-M'C. C. Campbe!-of Van Nuys was elected President gether into a closer bond of .t"a"t.t""aing.--' of the club, M. A. Young of zel2ah, vi". ptitla;;;;;e th: fi'rst regular meeting rvill be held at.San Fernando, W. W. Speer of Owensmouth, SecrBtary Treasurer. on Iulv 9th.