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An Arizona Yard That Sells "Building Materials"
According to Mr. J. W. Tardy, manager of the f)ouglas Lumber Company, at Douglas Arizona, the function of the retail lumberman of today, is to supply his trade, 'not only boards and shingles, but to have on hand and to intelligently merchandise as near 100 per cent as possible of the materials that go to make a home, or any other kind of a building.
This progressive company, located in a large modern, office and warehouse building, in the heart of Douglas, handles an unsually complete assortment of materials, and enjoys a good business among'the contractors and owners in the city.
The building pictured here'lr'ith was erected after the fire lsuffered by the Douglas Lttmber Company, in March 1920, '.ivhen their entire stock and all of their buildings were consumed. The present site rn'as pu'rchased and within a few days construction rvas startecl on the new plant.
The entire stock of lumber is under cover, in the long sheds that extend back from the main of6ce building. They carry Douglas fir, Redlr.'ood, some hardwoods, a stock of native pine, and also various kinds of wall boards, a complete stock of sash and doors, glass, roofing, and a full line of paints and varnishes.
Mr. Tardy is enthusiastic over the lumberman handling paints. He states that it is a profitable line, that it is a logical one for the N{odern Building Material lVlerchant, and that it helps in many cases, in selling a complete bill of materials for a new building.
The interior of their main office is arranged to display their paint stock to the best advantage, and on the ceiling they have prepared ten or twelve panels, in different colors, showing the effects of different paints and kalsomines.
M.. J. B. Herndon is president of the Douglas Lumber Company, and Mr. Tardy is the manager.