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Here's a Good Business Getting
Here's a good busi'ness-getting letter. It was sent to his e'ntire mailing list just a few days ago by Meirs Johnson, Manager for The Burton-Lingo Company at El Paso, Texas,. Mr. Johnson is an enthusiastic believer that the business a dealer can CREATE is the CREAM of the business,, because it is always non-competitive, and is always business that brings a reasonable profit for that reason.
The letter is typed in two columns, on the left side the question, and on the right side the ans\'!'er: 3.
HAVE You -frr" so
A cracked, hope-blasted poor You need WALL BOARD. old wall or ceiling?
An otherwise perfectly good porch, from which the flies and mosquitoes bariish you during the summer?
An excellent storag€ closet, but send your clothirrg to the garage or basement each season. there to miss-smell it with camphor or worse? 'trou" You
'A worn-out carpet in one of your rooms? Are you thinking of buying a new floorcovering?
IJ",T"\,?r,"to",.li1tt'fi "iftrl Samples on request. .\
Call our office and let us send a man to estimate the ,total cost of making that porch really liveable.
You need a CEDAR CLOSET. Use our ARO- MATIC Cedar Ceiling right over the old ceiling. Economical and everlasting. SOLOMON used it.
Why not have a new OAK FLOOR put right over that old floor? It will never wear out. CHEAPER, too, than good floor coverings.
Many little items about a well-kept home that your LUMBERMAN can help you to save on. Buy your lumber and building materials yourself, intelligently, and get what you wanr.
The Fort Valley Forest Experime'nt Station, the forest experiment station in the Forest Service, located at Flagstaff, Arizona, has ,recently been renamed the Southwestern Experiment Station, according to announcement of the United States Department of Agriculture. The original Fort Valley station lvas established in 1909, primarily to serve the needs of the national forestsion the Coconino Plateau. Since that time the station has increased its usefulness to the extent of covering the: entire southwestern forest region of Arizona and New Mexico. The growth in activity has rendered the original name no longer descriptive of the station's work, and it was therefore felt that the substitution of( the regional name would be an advantage to the station.
That's the end of the letter, and there are some good ideas in it. Any dealer can use the general plan to good advantage. He can substitute for Mr. Johnson's particular items any items that seem more pertinent to HIS business, situation, etc., but a letter of that sort, if properly handled, will ALWAYS dig up some business. The SERVICE idea appeals to the fellow, and to the housewife who gets it. If you can put in some particularly timely appeals to the housewife's needs, the letter will be all the better.
Lasting Qualities Of Fir
The South'ern Pacific Company is replacing an old wooden drawbridge at Albany, Oregon, which has carried freight and passenger traffic on the Yaquina Branch for thirty years. The old bridge had two 150 foot trusses and one 260 foot draw span.
This was said to have been .the lorigest wooden draw span in the world and illustrates the strength of Douglas Fir.
For 18 Yeen
"CHICKASAW BRAf',lIy' OAK FLOORING har been r rtandard of
This is the "Outdoor Display"
*hi"ir, in six "dlors and over,h",r.*" "nd address of individual Retail Lumbermen, capitalizes to each-of them our owrlentire 29 bjrd unsigned state-wide "Outdoor Disthv" campaign.
Dealerr whore locationc are already approved illsluds;-
Santa Barbara Lumber Lounsberry & Harris Home Lumber Co. Co. Lumber Co. Fuller Lumber Co.
Ambrose Lumber Co. Geo. M. Hufi Lumber Co.[6d; Lumber Co.
Sun Lumber Co.
Auey Brothers
Fi:ld & rerry Lumber
.r r tAclamE-E owefs Lumr,er \.o.
A"v*"ta Lumber C Co' Knox Lumber Co'
Dentrey Lumoer \-o. F
Smith-Linds.y L,rrrrbl, Hammond Lumber Co' Shasta Lumber Co. Co.
Western Lumber Co. Cutter Mill & Lumber Co.
Litchfield Lumber Co. Maisler Bros. Stevens Lumber Co.
In addition to these, we have on our "Waiting List" many other dealers, and we hope to be able to approve at least one "Outdoor Dis' play" for each of them.
This is but one of the many ways by which our "Redwood Service" helps to merchandise DEALER STOCKS.
We are always glad to tell you of other ways by which you may ans\ rer, with pro6t to yourself, the guestion-
California Redwood Association

Alblon Lumber Company
Dolbeer & Careon Lumber Co.
Glen Blalr Redwood Co.
Hammond Lumber Company
J. R. Hanlfy Company
Hobbs, Wall & Company
Holmes Eureka Lumber Co.
Llttle River Redwood Co.
Mendoclno Lumber Co.
Northwestern Redwood Co.
The Pactfic Lumber Co.
Unlon Lumber Compa.ny