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Weaver Roofing "Santes Oaerhead"
Some Fundaivientals For Lumberivien By A Lumberman
We heve faith in e Grcat Crcator who nea.ures out jurtice ternpcrcd rvith mercy equally to ell; and 3iver Hir love freely to all Hir creation.
'lllc belicve in rpeeking the truth, and in the great priuciplc of Truth that underlice the wholc rtructure of the univeree. Truth necds no apology and hurtr no man.
We hate lirrr and abhor direimulation, for in thcir train ir bred a hort of cvils that thwarts even jurtiec, and bringr only troublc to Den.
We believc in openheartedneae, frankner and unrclfirhneer in our dealingr with all mcn; vcrily nothing will need be covered or cxplaincd.
Wc dctcst caotitm, telf coneeit, and rourh rhod rclfirhncrr for they have no part in goid dcccnt burincr, and arc contrary to the ipirit of true dcmocracy.
llfc are four square for our Frcc Govcramcnt end for thc grcat principler for which it-rt!Dd3. Wc-will fight to thc dcath any- thing or anybody who trier to trLe thie frct- lom from ur.
Bclicving thcrc thingr, we rcck to build our pcrsonal and bueinere character .o it will gradc-A- No. I Clear, cdgc arain, S4S and randcd- for oil, rugar pine foi brcadth, red- wood for rtraightner, oak for rtrength, and mahogany for rmoothncr, and es Jnduring ar Portland ccm.nt. Free from eap and rap rtainr, no pitch pocketr, looec knotr or shakcr. Opcn from lcvcn to five, Saturday afternoon off. A rmilc, hand rhaLe and a good word for Gveryonc ,pho lovct the emcll of rawdust, thc zip and zang of the eaw, or the roft rurh of thc pencil ar it writer "two by four" on the crtimatc blank.
P. D. Ranrorn Secretary, Pasadena Sav/tlust Club.