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Ratph :Durrca.n Now-'F{eads-- ..- - - -l Merced Lumber Company
Mr. Ralph Duncan, formerly manager of the Halstead yard at Frresno, and since January 1st of this year manager of tfre Merced Lumber Company, Merced, has acquired an interest in this business, by the purchase of part of the holdings of Mr. W. tr..I-andra1n, formerly Vice President of the company.
Mr. Landram has, since the first of the year, been giving
Wholesaler's'Executives to Meet
A meeting of the Executive Committee of the NationalAmerican Wholesale Lumber Association rvill be held at the New York office on Friday, June 20th. This being the first meeting o{ the Executive Committee since the annual convention at Cincinnati, a number of matters of interest to the organization rvill be co'nsidered and plans adopted for the year's work,
The standing committees have been appointed and several important reports will be considered, including recommendations in the matter of the Cost of Doing a Wholesale Lumber Business.
his entire attention to the affairs of the Farmers and Merchants National Bank, at Merced, in which institution he has had an interest for some time. Mr. Ralph Evans, form,erly of Tucsoq, Arizona, has joined the Merced l-umber Company, taking a part of Mr. Landram's interest, and rvill be actively interested.
N{r. Frank Minard, the efficient Secretarv-Treasurer of the San Joaquin Valley Lumbermen's Club, has just had prepared and has distributed a new 1924 Roster of the Club, shorving the membership up to date.
The San Joaquin Valley Club now has forty-one active members, tu'enty-six "r'ith associate memberships, and thel' elected five to llonorary Membership, F. D. Prescott, of Fresno; A. L. Porter, Spokane; Peter B. Kyne, I.,os Angeles; Peter MeNevin of the Pacific Lumber Companv ahd Jack Dionne.
Lumberman Honored By Rotary Club
237 S. Central Aae. - Los Angeles hae been appointcd cxcluaive agent3 in Southcrn California for the diatribution of "NO-WEIGHT' Window Springe. A highlY satiefactorY weightleae window device.
Dercriptive folder on requert.