2 minute read
Wood Lumber Company Holds Company Picnic
Well over one thousand of the employees of the E. K.
Wood Lumber Company, and their families, enjoyed a delightful picnic held at the Perry Whiting Ranch, at Montrose on Sunday May 25th.
This is an annual affair held by the company, and includes all of the 'employees of their Southern -California operatlons.
Mr. Frank Curran, manager at Los Angeles was master of ceremonies. He conducted the games that were held, and carried off all honors in th,e dancing contest that was held in the afternoon.
A barbeque was served at noon, and then a seri,es of base ball games were played, to determin,e a championship. "fron Man" McGinty umpired these hotly contisted aifairs, taking hillife in his hands, and awarding the cup to the San Pedro Team.
The San Pedro yard team went down to defeat at the hands of the 47th Street yard boys first. Then the 4Zth
H-a,f-d-W,g-9-61-g frorn
The Heart of Wisconsin
Ash Basgwood Hard Maple
Birch Beech Oak
Straight or Mixed Carc
AndrGWS-Early Gompany
tarsar-Uisconsin f,.-Rrv Loosr LE^r Boox!.
X-Rav Srarlu4NT & Accou[r Lroorrs.
X.Rev Srocx REcono Srsrrrrs, nRUSKA KaCX LEDCER lCtNDEtSr
X-Rey Ixorxrlc.
Rerro Frnr l\hcsrxr Boorxrtlrtc LEDGET!.
RAprD Ftrl Plrprturl lxvrntonx Sysrsrs.
Rauruu Qurcx Rrrrnpncr Nrrs lxorr.
R.erlux,Ssonr Accoult Loosr LsAt Lrocnr.
ADJUsro Tnat' Brxpsrs.
Street office gang gained a victory over the Main Office team. After that the San Pedro ofEce team were successful in beating the 47th Street office team.
A pie eating contest for boys and girls was won by Master Johansen. Then came the dancing contest. All honors went to Frank Curran, and as remarked by one of the Main Office boys, "Evelyn Nesbit.has nothing on. our boss for fancy steps and light kicks."
Al Privett, a valued member of th'e Los Angeles office force was in charge of most of the arrangements of the afraft, and was given credit for having provided a splendid entertainment.
Glasby & Company Issue
New Catalogue
Price List No. 24-1, has just been issued to the Southern Calfiornia retail trade, by Glasby & Company, large wholesalsrs of sash, doors and built-in features, at Los Angeles.
The list is unique in its form, being very easily read, and ironing out most of th,e difficulties that have been heretofore encountered in the deciphering of a sash and door discount sheet.
The book lists the entire line carried by this company, doors of all kinds, sash, windows, casements, medicine cabinet doors, etc., and carries the entir.e list in its 46 pages.
It is attractively bound with heavy green card, and is a size that will enable the salesman or estimator to carrv handily.
Glasby & Company are now distributing these lists to the trade.
Mr. C. M. Speers, who has been with the Sun Lumber Company, at Beverly Hills, has made a change, and is now in the sales department of the California & Oregon Lumber Company, at Los Angeles.
X-Rrv ?osrrto Cerrnrr.
Serscurno Surpr.v Cnecr Sonrrn. Srnvrsus Vrsrr Trucr & Lrocrr Recr.
Srrru Tnucrs, Corn eno Booxs.
Fer.n s M..rcsrrr Boorrgrgrc Drsrg
Dororr Cserrs. Srrr l)rrosrr Boxs.
Srrrr, Srrrs. Frrrxo Eoutrxlxt.
S:rcrrr. Rur,zo Br.exr Eooxs. Srncrer Loosr Lrrr Forus. Cero Ilpzx Svsrsxs & Svrprrsg