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Weyerhaeuser Issues Two Interesting
Two new Weyerhaeuser publications, "Industrial Buildings" and "Structural Timbers of Douglas Fir," have just been issued by the Advertising Department at Saint Paul, Minnesota.
Mr. Harold D. Bates, in commenting on the two booklets said:
"To much emphasis has been placed in recent years upon the use of so-called 'fire proof' materials for industrial building. Attention has been directed away fro,m the real fire hazards to those of minor importance. And as a result many industrial'builders today are buying imaginary fire protection at a price they can ill afford.
"The booklets mentioned above are part of a nation,al advertising campaign aimed at a broader understanding of the principle of 'Mill Construction' and its advantages for certain types of occupancies. This type of building grew out of the needs of the thrifty, frugal era of industry. Its theory of fire protection was founded on facts and not fallacies. We believe that industry today can profit by a more general use of this well established building principle.
"The booklet entitled 'INDUSTRIAL BUILDINGS' is addressed primarly to the business executive. In addition to pointing out the advantages of the 'Mill Construction' type of building foi certain uses, it outlines the manner in which this organization has equipped itself to better serve the industrial builde'r. The appendix is devoted to 4 dis- cussion of insurance rates under the caption 'How a Manufacturer Determines His Orvn Insurance Rate.'
"'STRUCTURAL TIMBERS OF DOUGLAS FIR' is intended primarly for the architect and engineer. It contains a classified table of commercial grades for Douglas Fir dimension, stringers and posts, showirig, in connection with each, allowable rvorking stresses amply supported by the results of numerous tests which are quoted in the appendix.
"The primary purpose of this campaign, is of course, to furrther the sale of Douglas Fir timbers. At the same time we believe it has considerable educational value beneficial to the lumber industry as a whole., On this basis, the story of this campaign should be of interest to the personnel of the industry generally.
"In addition to the two booklets, we art also sending out proofs of the first two advertisements in our small construction campaign rvhich is now run'ning in the national magazines. We will be glad to furnish both proofs and booklets free of charge to all those who request them."
Alhambra Yard Contemplates Building Sash And Door Factory
Mr. R. E. Andruss, manager of the Independent Lumber Company, at Alhambra, states that his company is contemplating er'ecting a sash and door factory at that plant.