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How Lumber Looks
Regarding thehardrood market, a telegraphic report from Houston, Texas, on June 1O, statec ttat there har been a rlight increare in production due to the intenrive maru' facturing activity and overtinrc operationr outride the food dietrict. Stockc at there millr are low and ttey are holding rhong for the latest prices. As yet there hes been no pro'duc' tion reported from any of the mittr in the f,ood dirtric and there will probably be none for another fifteen days with very little production for thirty deyr thereafter. New high water on the Missisrippi River and itr tributaries continuec the food rituation. What the reaction will be when water Ji""ppu"rs is still entirely problematicd, as moet people in the -fooddirtrictr are hopelessly broke.
The market in Southern California har shown little change during the pert iwo weeks. The volume of burine$ moving ir faiilv good but the market is rpotted, depend-ing to a great extEnt on whether or not the iteme deoired are on f,and "t San Pedro. The market on 2x4's is strong, while 1x6 har rhown a weaknecr. Fir cargo arrivalr at Sen Pedro during the month of May showed a deereese of approximatelt lO million feet when compared lto lhe previoul month. 78 cargo rhipmenta arrived during the mgnth 9-f May carrying l26rSlOO-M feet. During- the rnonth of, fnril, the-fir cargo-arrivalr totaled 136'500 M feet. Several boats are }aid up and the chartering of them on otlter rrurs ic the reuon foi the decreared ehipmentr during t[e part mo'nth. For ronre time the cargo receiptr here chould be leer than the normal conrrunption.
.About 17 million feet of ruuold lumben ir reported to be on the dockr at San Pedro. Ar one large dealer rtated, when thir arnount of ungold lumber ie on hand and it con' tainr many decirablc iterru, it ir borurd to affect the market. It wilt probably take between 3O and 6O dayr to work off trhis rurplur and at the end of that time the market rhould rhow conriderable improvement.

Building operationr in Loc Angeler continue at a rapid pace. Building permite during the month of May totaled $11,5631303. Thir includes 87O dwellingr and apartmentr t $O.Vo of thetotal, while the all-frame conrtruction arnountr to $4,869,866. May building permits showed an
increare over the mont{r of April, whcn the building per' mite totaled $10,558'891.
Fir cargo tttitil" "t th" port of San Francirco durins thc month of May were 5212641000 feet. The carg-o martet rcmains about ihe ca-e with a good volume of lumber mov' ing. The rail mir,ket ir fair. -For reil dctivery, -com,mon ir qrlte strong, lath h reported a little weaker and there har been no rccovery in the rhingle market.
Building permitr in San Francirco totaled $'4r979J92 for the -6ttih of May, which included 905 permitr. This chowed a alight increare over the month of April, when the building permitr amormted to $4'?OO,(XX).
The Fir rnillc are continuing their crutailment program and the market is firm. It ir reported that the Fourtt of July chutdown this year at the mitls will probably be the moot extended that har ever occurred and will, without qucrtion, average two weelc.
Foithe week ending June 4, the Wect Coatt Lumbermen'r Aseocietion reporte for 69 millr: Producdon 63'100'682 fete, new bruiners 5212121736 feet and rhipmente 621208r926 feet. They report production 1,6O3'9E4'849 fcct' new bnrineg, lr70lr727r258 feet and rhipmentr 11655'643,766 feet for 76 milbfor the fir* 22 wcekc of 1927. For the same period in 1926 they report, for lO5 millr: Porduction 2,2161292,575 ft., new budncrc 2137610021396 feet and ehipmentr 2r358,247r(n0.
The Redwood rnarket continucl very firrn" For'thc weeh ending June 4, the Aarociation rnillr report: Orderr received 91047 M feet, ehipmerilr 8,E11 M fet aad production 91412 M feet. For the year to date they report: Ordery received 204,,2il M feet, fiiprrrntr 186'737 M feet, and production 153r9O9 M feet. Commonr are overrold. The volume of orderr war olightly oft during the part week. Uppera are moving feirly well and the Eastern demand is good.
The California White and Suger Pinq Martret ie in good ehape. There ir a ehortage of production fromlart year of over 2OO million feet and there ir no chance to mike thb up. There ir conriderably leee lumber for sale than ttere war lart year at thir time. Cleers are moving faidy well. Sugar Pine clearr and relectr have taken an advance in price. No. 3 and No. 4 comrnon har alro advanced.