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You'll be asked for Sitka Spt tce
Tuls advertisement on Sitka Spruce will probably bring inquiries to your. yL!4. \f9 are telling the fa&s aboui Sitka SprucJ to archite&s and builders all over the country.
Mn Retdil Dqlet: Don't miss the National Retail Lumber Dealers' Association convention in Tacoma the week of August 22. The lumber manufa&urers of the Pacific Nonhwestwill joinwith the retail dsalers in welcorning you.
IThy n9lfe urp ygor business with our nation-wide campaign? See the May fu:T. of Big Tno for dealer tie-up suggestions on Sitka Spnrce. If your copi of Big Tras hasn't reached you yet, or if you wanr yoru name on- the *"iling list, as you should, address, s7est Coast Lumber Bureau, j62 stuarr Building, SeattJe, \flashington.