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Ghas. R. ltecorrnlcls Lunber Go.
Exclusive California disnibutors for Weyefiaeusa Fir Floring and Walton Yeneq Panels
SALES OFFICES: San Francisco-2L1 Market Sneet; Darcaport j1il). I-os
Angeb-7\O0 Lane Mortgage Building; Trinity 5421. PhoenixJC. P. Henry,re r*ettdtire, 421 Heard Building. MILIS: St.Helens,OrcRon; Port Ltdloy and Port Gamblc, Vahinston. TREATING PLANT: St. Hehns, Oreson. PLANING
MILLS: San Diigo. DISTRIBUTIONYARDS: Wilminghn and San Diego.
Douglac Flr . Gedar . Epruce . f,entocl'
Shiptowed Back After Sea Crash
The Hammond Lumber Company steamer Samoa, disabled in a collision with the Coos Bay Lumber Company's steamer Coos Bay, was towed to Los Angeles Harbor on the night of June 5th by the latter vessel. The collision was of the head-on variety and took place at sea at 1 a.m., June 5th, off Point Concepcion, which is 100 miles north of Los Angeles. No one was injured.
The Samoa, a 2lo-foot steel freighter of 1172 net tons, was built at Duluth in 1918. She is in command of Captain H. F. Ollson and sailed from Tillamook, Wash., in ballast. The Coos Bay is 386 feet long, of 3176 net tons, was builtin Maryland in 1909 and formerly was the navy collier Pyro. She was en route from Coos Bay to Los Angeles with 2,500,000 feet of lumber.
The Samoa's engine room was put out of service, she lost two life boats and sustained other damage. The damage to the Coos Bay appears to have been nominal.
The Orange Belt Lumbermen's Club met at the Anderson Hotel, Colton, on Tuesday evening, June 7. Following the dinner and business session, the meeting was addressed by Paul Overend, Los Angeles, engineer for the Associated Lumber Mutuals. His subject was "Fire Prevention on Lumber Yards and Wood Working Plants." His talk was illustrated with slides. C. C. Nuckoll, manager of the Hammond Lumber Co. yard at Colton, presided at the meeting.
To Hold Picnic And Concatenation
The Northern California and Southern Oregon Hoo-Hoo are arranging for an outdoor Concatenation and picnic on June 25 and 26, at Purney Falls, Shasta County. The program calls for a "Bull's Head" feast orl Saturday evening. The Concatenation will be held on Sunday morning which will be followed by a barbecue dinner. Following the dinner, prominent members of the Order will address the meeting, after which various outdoor sports will be held.
Jervell D. Lowe, president of the Westwood Hoo-Hoo Club, is in charge of the arrangements and delegations from Quincy, McCloud, Hilt, Sacramento, Chico, Oakland, Westwood, Susanville and San Francisco, and from Klamath Falls and other sections in Oregon, will motor to Purney Falls. The ladies and children have been invited to attend and every man is expected to bring his own tent or shelter for the night.
Prominentlumberman Dies
On May 29th, Mr. D. F. Campbell, Jr. passed away in Portland. Mr. Campbell was one of the stockholders of the Eastern & Western Lumber Co., Portland, and was in charge of the business end of their logging department. He had been with the company a good many years and rvas held in very high esteem by all who knew him. L. A. Morrison, manager of the company's San Francisco office, went to Portland to attend the funeral.
Everything In Hardwoods
Our battery of modern kilnsr-operated under the direction of an elncric-nced kiln enginegr, attunea our trade of a complete stock of correctlylcaroned handruoo& to meet the clirnatic conditionr of Southern C,alifornia.