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California Building Permits for May
Know the Lwrher
Douglas Fir Lumber and Timbers, Douglas Fir Window Frames...Western
Hemlock Lumber. South- ern Pine Lumber and Timbers. Southern Hardwood Lumber and Timbers, Oak Flooring . California
ERVICE built into f/rese trade-marked lumber products during the process of manufacture must You Buy account for the dependence that good builders place in them. Every phase of manufacture is governed by standards unexcelled in the industry, based upon long experience in lumber production and a desire to give maximum construction value to the user. The trademark is placed on the end of the piece for ready identification of such uniform quality.
White Pine Lumber, Sash and Doors, Box Shooks.
Creosoted Lumber, Timbers, Posts, Poles, Ties, Guard-Rail Posts, Piling.
Long,Bell Lumber Company
Having reserves of finest virgin timber to supply our plants far into the future, we further aim-by careful logging,reforestation of cutover areas and aggressive forest protection-to keep all our forest land acres fully stocked with growing timber to sustain a permanent lumbermanufacturing enterprise.