1 minute read
de from thd finest Cedar timbe r"' fhatcanbe , found ontno/tere!
THE giant, centuriea-old Cedars &om the Sno. .1, qu"lmie district have \ng been noted for their uniform, even-textured aadlong'enduring wood"
From the fioest of these trees'Weyerhaeuger improved Cedar Siding is cut Ooly selected etrips go into this brand.
The manulacturing etandards are as fine as the wood. Sizesarecorrect and unifqm.
Scientificseasoningbringp out the best in the wood and adds to its long life. Seasoning defecte are absent
Extra care is ueed in planingThe lace oI each piece is satiny emooth and free oI waves or rough spots.
Rigid grading, inspection and rechecking guaran' tee 1o0la boards. Every foot oI every piece in a bun' dle is usable.
Special attention is given to bundling, tyilg and labeling" The ends oI each piece are trimmed even.
Put in a Trial Stock
Rove to your satislaction and your customer'e that C,edar Siding can be lar better than ordinary. You don't need to order a carload of Weyerhaeuser Siding to try it out
Let it come along with"eoue other popular Snogualmie items of C,edar, Firand Hemlock and Cedar Shingles-all Weyerhaeuser quality stock.
Sizes: Bevel S idine, % inrdoby 4, 5,6,8 and 1o inch' es; Bungalow Sidrmig,r% inch by & 1O and 12 inches.
Ve1crbactscr ImPmud
Ccdar Siding is anotbet featarc of tb e V a7erb ae tscrPlar a b *y ing adttantagc ,hd, benefits eoerT dealer utbo sses it, Ask tba Veterbactser man.