1 minute read
Dca€obcF 4th. 1926.
lL! ?rrcE3 aro ouoY^troit auaJact lo cxa|Ga wrtxogl iorlcl S8t. Fo Luub.l ConPeY San lranolgco, Ctllf. Ocntlsonr /\ttent!@! x!. Russcl'I
|tc destro to plca.o call yout .tt.ntl6 to thc crccllcnt Arado of mtctidl. oontaln.il ln thc rhlpdont frm Contlal coel t Cokc c@peny from volnonla, oaogon, ln ort D.L.l, v. ilfzqoo.
J. M. STLVEY Villowq California trriter mentioning
-deVertda. bility
Kiln.Dried Fir wins thc good will of dealers' c-nstomers. The re's "Satisfaction in every food' of our Old Growth Yellow Frr lumber because it is thoroughly kiln.dried and dressed after seasoning to Ameri, can Standard si:es. All degrades are teken out at the mill.
Th6 untfoPnlty of tho 8!ade, thlch ra! lulLy up lo standard, ed th6 ctcallfit nllllng of tl'e lot, p1acos thlr lhlpdont a. ons of tho flnost carloads wo havc.rccclvcd ln our yrt!|, for r nunbgr of y6ara, ard thlnk thl! mattcr 16 worthy of 6p6claL nsntls. fc c.rtalnly do approctato thlr cxoollcnt olale of netor!.ala, ard aa6 !atl!flod to hava @r futuc lhtlo€nts of cloar! placod rtth tlb C.ntrel Coel, & Coko Conpany, ulth klndqEt r.garda, wo ar. Youls vo!'y truIy, Clom County lunbor Co. w C|narl--u xst. U
-quality esqvice
Watch these ads and read what others say about this dependable lumber.
y.QuraDh ! Fr. uouglas Flr
California ond Arizono
Genetal Offces: San Francisco, California St. Clair Building l6 California Street Genetal Qfrces: Kansas (Oregon-American Lumber
So, California Offcc: Los Angelec, California 397 Pacific Elcctric Building Brucc L Budiafrno, Arpot
"sudden Seruice' City, Miesouri Co., Vernonia, Ore.)