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Texas is the fastest growing Consumer of western lumber.
Perhaps we canhelp you sell your stock in this territory. Write us.
Are yo'tr getting yo,ur share of thir growing replacement?
Longview, Washington
(By Harry Leon Wilson in
Fifty miles down a noble river from Portland, and across on the Washington side, there layfour years ago a few square miles of brushy, jungly, swampish rvaste for which no use had ever been found, save that retired clergymen and v.ery small boys might fish on it for carp, catfish or cfapples.
Good for nothing else-the lumber people made a city there, and did so, as the phrase goes, in jig time. They grubbed out all brush not scenically helpful, drained the swampish spots, graded, leveled and built. In about two years the city was practically there; in three years it was actually there, with a population of 12,000 souls-if you are fundamentalist-or lumbering persons, if otherwise.
Anyway, the town of Longvierv had that many people and, to prove that they were human, the old families who came the first year looked properly down on newcomers who were delayed until the second, and these patronized later newcomers who will have no social standing until there are still later arrivals to keep in their places. A city seems to be a city whether built in three years or a hundred.
The Saturday Evening Post)
And there is nothing shoddy about this quick job. It is a. carefully planned city_, slumless_, with wide aven-ues, spacious green squares and a lot of handsome trees that seem to have been leftfor the trifling and unlumberish reason that they lend beauty to the prospect.
This must have been a wrench to the lumbering soul. Lots of those trees, even to the inexpert eye, would cut up pretty. The general effect is one of placid, dreamy leisure, of being remote from the taints of trade, an effect to be felt in one of those older New England towns not unlike this in surface aspects. One would look for families here now in their fourth generation, instead of their fourth year for the oldest.
This effect, however, is twice destroyed: first, by one of the most snappy and elegant metropolitan hotels between San Francisco and Seattle; and second, b)' the presence at the town's river edge of the world's very largest lumber mills; at least one is assured of this pre-eminence and they do seem large enough, after one has trudged hazardously through a few miles of them'r,r'atching timber having quite everything done to it.
TradeExtension Executive Committee of the National Lumber Manufacturers Association
The executive committee of the National Trade Extension Committee has been announced as follows:
H. B. Hewes, Jeanerette, La., Chairman.
A. Trieschmann, Crossett Watzek Gates Company, Chicago, Illinois, Vice Chairman.
John L. Kaul, Birmingham, Alabama, president, National Lumber Manufacturers Association. and Wilson Compton, secretary and manager, National Lumber Manufacturers Association, Washington, D. C. Representing Associations
G. V. Patterson, 'Wiess-Patterson Lumber Co., Pensacola, Fla., Southern Cypress Assn.,
W. R. lVlcMillan, Hammond Lumber Co., Chicago, Ill., California Redwood Assn., Walter Robinson, Pickering Lumber Co., Kansas City, Mo., California White and Sugar Pine Assn.,
M. W. Stark, American Colurnn and Lumber Co., Columbus, Ohio, Hardwood Manufacturers Institute,
J. L. Camp, Camp Manufacturing Company, Franklin, Va., North Carolina Pine Assn.,
S. L. Coy, Cloquet Lumber Company, Cloquet, Minnesota, Northern Pine Assn.,
J. H. Dowling, Dowling Lumber Co., Odessa, Fla., Florida Dense Long Leaf Pine Assn.,
R. B. White, Exchange Sawmills Sales Company, Kansas City, Mo., Southern Pine Assn.,

J. D. Tennant, Long Bell Lumber Co., Longview, Wash., West Coast Lumbermens Assn..
Carl Hamilton, Weyerhauser Forest Products Co., St. Paul, Minn., Timber Owners, and
J. P. Hennessey, Shevlin, Carpenter & Clarke Co., Minneapolis, Minn., Western Pine Manufacturers Assn. The representative of the Northern Hemlock and Hardwood Association has not been designated.