1 minute read
Men and women of outstanding ability and prominence in the industry all the way from San Diego to Seattle are preparing things of interest which th.y will say under their own signatures to tfie lumber people of California in that number. The list of special auilrors and authoresses for that special occasion guarantees a live issue, filled from coyer to cover with interesting thoughts, facts, figuree, and pichrres of California lumber things and lumber people.
It will be tfie most attractive, practical, and interesting issue of a lumber journal you ever raw. The work of every lumber and HooHoo organization in California will be reviewed by tfreir own officert. The greatness of California as a lumber state will be thoroughly covered and attractively illustrated. The lumber men and women of California nrill be well portrayed. Every page will contain things that will interest YOU. It will be a number that will be long preserved as a souvenir.
It will be full of punch-tte kind with a wallop in it.