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Sell "Built-fns" for the Attic is Excellent Merchandising Suggestion
No editorial in this journal in a year has brought more favorable returns from so many sources as the recent one on "Building the Building Business With Built-Ins".
And some good suggestions along that line of thought were contained in some of those letters. One of them seems to us to be excellent, and may furnish food for thoughtthat will result in new business for the active lumber dealer.
It comes from George C. Brown & Companyr of Memphis, Tennessee. They say: "You mention specifically closet conveniences such aE hangers, doors, shoe holders, etc., but there is another big freld which would possibly warrant a special article. Fromthefolder we are enclosing you will note that we have prepared a blue print showing a cedar storage closet whichwe recommend as particularly adaptable for construction in attics. An excellent and fertile field for the retail dealer to work in his community is the idea of remodeling or improving the attic in homes where the attic has not been improved. He will not only be able to sell cedar closet lining, but also wallboard and otheritems for building walls and rooms in the attic in addition to the moth-proof cedar closet.tt
Fine! As amatter of fact chance for new business through attic improvement is a subject that has been discussed numerous times in these columns. The cedar closetidea is a splendid one, and the George C. Brown people, specialists in cedar lining for closets, have prepared a practical plan and blue print for such a closet, which is available to any dealer, and should be kepton hand to show the prospective customer.
These plans can be had from George C. Brown & Company, Memphis, Tennessee, or from E. J. Stanton & Son, Los Angeles, or the J. E. Higgins Lumber Company, San Francisco.