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Southern Pine Association to Hold Mid-Summer Meeting
The rnid-sutnnler rneeting of the Southern Pine Association, to be held in Memphis, Tenn., at the Peabody llotel, June 22 and 23, 'ivill probably be one of the most interesting of its kind ever sponsored by the organization. The attendance at this meeting, rvhich rvill mark the close of the activities of the first half of this year, is expected to break all previous records.
Organizing Southern Pine sales representatives into regional groups in the leading centers of distribution throughout the east, mid-west and southrvest is one of the most significant accomplishments of the association during this fiscal year. The salesmen's service studies, resulting from the organization of these groups, has produced a volume of valuable information about the salesman's problems and the retailers' attitude tolvards the product. -
A complete report of such activities will be made at the meeting. Subscribers rvill be acquainted rvith the findings of association representatives who attended these group meetings and plans lvill be devised for their use to the best advantage among the building professions and industrial users of rvood.
A special committee, appointed by the Southern Pine As- sociation's Board of Directors, has been conducting an investigation for the purpose of developing a complete understanding of the problems of moisture content. Once this understanding has been developed it will be much simpler to arrive at a solution of the problems involved. The data assembled by the committee lvill be presented to attending subscribers at the meeting and the subject has been so placed on the program to allo'"v ample opportunity for its full discussion.
On the first day of tl-re meeting, June 22, the General Trade Promotion Committee rvill hold an open meeting and all subscribers to the Association who desire to do so may attend. This committee rvill discuss its plans for a vigorous advertising campaign that is in the course of formation.In addition to this, numerous trade extension projects rvhich are to be launched in the near future will be presented to attending delegates.
"Greater care must be given than ever before to cooperative activities," said Secretary-Manager Borckes. "We depend largel)' upon the help of manufacturers at such meetings as those to properly direct the Association's efforts. Therefore, all subscribers have been strongly urged to be represented at the Nlemphis mid-summer session.