1 minute read
Ldminex doors help sell hornes Buyers
know theywon'tshrink, swellor warp
V V HEN prospective buyers see a Laminex idintification card hanging in a newly built house, they know they'll never have any trouble with the doors in that house-and thev oresume that the rest of the house is Loirespondingly well built.
Nationwide advertising has built up public recognition of the fact that Laminex doors cannot shrink, swell or warD because the stiles and cross-rails are built on a core of stress-balancing blocks and that any a.ttempt of one block to warp, sweil or shrink is immediatelv couhterbalanced bv forces in the opposite direction exerted by the neighboring blocks. In addition, all parts of a Laminex door, including the plywood panels, are held together firmly by Laminex cemenr (a secret), which is absolutely waterproof and actually stronger thin wood.
So you build good-will both for yourself and youi trade with troubleproof doors. Point out ro buyers the replacement guaranree label and the word "LAMINEX" on the botcom of genuine Laminex doors. Conduct a Laminexdoor soaking resr, for which we give you complete instructions that insure success. Prove convincingly to your customers thar damp.r.rr" *ill never make aLaminexdoor warp, split or come apaft.
Tbe lamou Lzmiux door sozhilA tatt, ,hat nratl &alss mhc p;blicl.r in all pailr of ,b€ country. pro%r tbat dampnetr will tuaer mahs a Laminex door uzrp, tplit or come o/zrt.
Th lzmiux dor zdurtiting, apparing tborgbgtt r9z7 in thcsc importanr utional mga4iws, is bitg nzd b1 millions of pospcctitc botub*ilders. Pcoph are harning tltrotgb ot r ,tztion-oifu .L tctrfuing tbzt tlte common and zcnptcd failt, I ordiaal doort are tnnocsssarJ; tbzt Itmiwx /ort arc diffcrnt-tr oilhprool. )