1 minute read
fhis is why the home buyers know Laminex doors dnd want them installed
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Tar WnsrrrR-, Oscooo Couperv, Tacoma, Washington
Gentlemen: literature and sample of Lamrnex
I would like details of your dealer help plan.
DErOnf Laminex doors were produced and advertised, people just had to take ^cha;nce with ordinary stock doorsfigured it was natural for them to warp, stick and split.
Now home buyers and builders know how good doors cank.; know why Laminex doors never give trouble; know that uptodate lumber and millwork dealers handle Laminex doors.
That's why there 's a demand forLaminex doors; that's why Laminex dealers make quick turnover and good profits; and rhat's why you should get complete information about Laminex doors today.Mail tbe coapon.