2 minute read
Priclcutting Is Peanut Salesmanship
Th. pri". cutter is worse than a criminal. He is a fool. He not only pulls down the standing of his goods;he not only pulls down his competitors; he pulls down himself and his whole trade. He scuttles the ship in which he, himself,isafoat.
Nothing is so easy as to cutprices; and nothing is so hard as to get them back when once they have been pulled down.
Any child can throw a glass of water on the foor, but all the wisest scientists in the world can'tpick the water up.
Who gets the benefit of price-cutting?
The man who sells makes nonet profit, and the man who buys soon findshimself getting an inferior article.
No manufacturer can perrnanently keep up the standard of his goods if the price is persistently cut. Pretty soon he ie compelled to use cheaper materials, and to cutdown the wages of his workers.
The man who cuts pricee puts up the sign, "This way to the junk heapf'
He admite his own failure as a salesman. He admits he has been defeated according to theMarquis of Queensbury rules of business. He admits he cannot win by fighting fair.
He brands himself as a hitter-below-the-belt.
If the business world werp dominated by price-cutters, there would be no business at all.
Price-cutting in fact, is not business any morethan smallpox is health.
White Brothers Ship By Aeroplane To Europe
The first shipment of "LAl\{ATCO'" was delivered from San Francisco to Paris on May 2lst, 1927, and it took only thirty-three and one half hours to get it across the Atlantic. "LAMATCO" is a thin, laminated, waterproof, cottonwood board used for aeroplane wings and fuselages, as well as for a thousand other uses.
_ Captain Charles A. Lindbergh's plane, the "spirit of St. Louis" is constructed in part of "LAMATCO." White Brothers of San Francisco supplied the material to the Ryan Airlines, Inc., of San Diego. They in turn used it in the construction of the "Spiritof St. Louis," and Captain Lindbergh delivered it to Paris.
That's quick shipment and White Brothers say they are progq oi__the!r, plompt service. They are not oniy the first to ship "LAMATCO" to France, but the first to -send it in an aeroplane.
Strength combined with lightness are the qualities necessary in materials used in aeroplane conitruction, and 'LAMATCO" has these qualities in a superlative degree. It is of. three ply construction, one eighth, three sixteenths and -one quarter of an inch thick, and being glued with casein, is completely waterproof.
Captain Lindbergh's feat has proven "LAMATCO" to be an ideal material for aeroplane buitding.
W. B. Coats, A. F. Coats Lumber Co., Tillamook, Oregon, was in San_Francisco for a few days during the early part of June. He made his headquaiters at the officei of Gritzmacher & Gunton, who look after their interests in California. Mr. Coats reports operating conditions as fair on the Lower Columbia.