1 minute read
Wood Sash vs. Steel Sash
You have a greater variety of sizes and shapes in wood sash at your disposal. You can buy your sash to fit the home rather than build the home to fit the sash.
Steel sash are usually set in place with the frames and are liable to damage during construction. Wood sash are fitted after the construction work is completed.
Steel sash must be very carefully handled as they are easily bent. When this occurs it ii almost impossi6le to straighten them and the result is a continual breaking of the glass. Wood is resilient and therefore not subject to such damage.
Steel sash admit and conduct heat in summer and cold in winter. Wood is one of the best insulators known. Steel sash require painting trvice to the wood sash once.
When misalignment occurs, due to settling of the building, wood sash are easily and quickly re-fitted to again operate smoothly, whereas steel sash will bind and can only be opened or closed with difficulty, or must be re-fitted at considerable expense.
Costly draperies and curtains are often ruined by the moisture which condenses on steel sash. Moisture does not condense on wood.
Glass is vibrant and noisy, but when set in wood will not be annoying in the least. Steel is vibrant, conse-