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quently glazed steel sash are anything but restful to the nerves.
9. Steel sash rusteasily. Scratch the paint off one exposing it to a night's dew and it 'rvill be rusty in the mornrng.
10. Steel is cold, it condenses moisture from the air. Therefore, steel sash lvill be damp, frosty and cold during the long rvinter months.
11. The initial cost of steel sash and frames is greater than wood, as is the upkeep afterward.
72. You can obtain artistic designs ata lower cost from wood than from steel.
Window screens are a necessity for good health, but extra framing at considerable expense is necessary to apply them over steel sash.
In a climate where storm sash are necessary for comfort and the saving of fuel, it is expensive and difficult to attach storm sash over steel sash.
Wood sash can be effectively weather stripped at very littlecost. Steel sash cannot.
Standard wood sash are made in many different designs and .types, double hung, single sash, jn pai-r9' groups, or in any way desired and to match the architecture of the building, rvhereas standard steel sash for homes are usually made in one design and type onlv.