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A. C. MERRYMAN Advrrtdng Mur3.r
W. T. BLACK Sal Francbco Corrers Norttcrn Callt. eod Paclfic Norttsogt
JackDiorlne ,prblisher
lacpoatcd urdc tf,r lawr o[ Callfmla a,r Sccond-clagc Eattar I la Anrplc* Callfornt+
J. C. Dl@' Pt.. !!d Tru; J. E. MsttD' Vle-Prcs.; A- C. Msrrymm' Jr, Scy' Publlshtd thc lat and t5tf, of eech nrmth at !lt-19-20 CENTRAL BUILDING, LOS AIYGELES, CAL, TELEPHONEVArdlk! /605 Entercd ar Sccond-clagr Eatt r Scpt mbet 8, lJA, at tb. Poctotflc. rt la Anrolce. CallfanL. uldcr Act ol March 3' 187t.
How Lumber Looks
Douglar Fir.-A drop in production of fifty-one million feet when compared with the reven prevbus dayr war the outrtanding happening in the West Coalt lurrber industry for the week ending June l, reports to the West Coad Lum' berrnen's Association coverittg the experience of 270 millr in cutting rhow. There mills reported production of 154'' ll4rTOO board feet for the week, which is 56 per cent of theh rate capacity. During the week previ,ous theee operationr produced 20611281283 board feet.Ttir is the third contecutive week in which produc{ion decrearec occrrrred.
Of the 270 mitls reporting, thirty-tbree, including plantr of all sizer were down during the week ending Jrme 1 and many othere worked Ie* tfian full time. Seventeen were reported tte previour week a.r not operating
The California 6r cargo market continuec to hold up well and pricer are firrn No. 2 vertical grain fooring con' tinues rtrong. 1x6 cornmon ir scarce and tbe market on thir item is very fimr. The mills have plenty of cutting o,td"fi and ttere b a good volume of rpecial inquiry. Uneold rtocke dn the docks at San Pedro totaled 13r799'OOO feet on June 12; unsold stockr here showed coneiderable increare during the past week due to the fact that the incoming
Philippine Lumber Producers and Exporters Or$anize
A number of lumber producers and exporters of the Philipoine Islands have applied for the incorporation of an asro*i"tion to be known ls the Philippine Hardwood Export Association according to advices received by the Departmen!.-of Commerce it Washington from Trade Commissior*i G. C. Howard of Manila, P. I. The organization wilt promote the export trade in Philippine lumber and its activities will include the standardization of expcrt grades and marks. The organization also purposes to conduct an advertising campaign in the principal exPort markets ad' vising of lhe utilitt of Philippine woods for cabinet and finish"ing purposes. The officers of the association are: presidenl, W.-W. Harris; vice president, F. C. Cadwallader; 'treasurer, N. C. Gude; secretary, Leo Meyer' A*hur F. Fischer, director of forestry, has been appointed technical advisor of the association.
MR. AND MRS. A. J. RIISSE'LL ON HAVTIAIIAN TRIP vecelr were bunched. 26 lurnber vecaeb are tied up, with one vecel operating ofr.rhore"
A. J. "Gus" Russell, Santa,Fe Lumber Company, San Franc-isco, accompanied by Mrs. Russell, sailed- lune -7from San'Francisco for H,onolulu, on the round-the-world Dollar liner President Jackson. They expect to be away about a month.
The frr rail market continues finn with no variation in pricea dutios the past two weekr. The dernand for mixed cnr orders cJntinuec good'. The miltr report good order filec and stocks at the millr are low.
The market on shingles and tath show no change. S,hi"gle millr are curtailing pr-od'uction which should have efrect of rtrengthening prices.
Rldwood:-Prices are firm and the demand is norrnal for tte summer tearon. A good fatl denrand b anticipated from the agricultural districts of California.
CalifonJa White and Sugar Pine:-Prices are firm with an exceptional good demand for uppere and comrnonr. The demand for shop oontinues heavy fromthe Middle Wert. The retail demand in the Eart is reported god. The California White and Sugar Pine Asrociation reportc an increase of 7.8 per cent in production in the period Januery I to June I ovei the rame period last year. Orders received in tihe aame period rhow an increase of 9.3 per centr:nd shipmentr an increare of 9 per cent. Stocks on hand rhow a decrease of 7.2 per cent.
Ear[ Dionne
Francis Earl Dionne, age 45, only brother of Jack Dionne of The California Lumber Merchant, died at his home in New Orleans, La., June 6th, and was buried in Houston, Texas, June 8th. He was owner and manager,of an advertising agency of his own name, handling lumber accounts exclulivily, ihe only one of itskind in existence, and at the time of his death was handling ten of the biggest lumber accounts in the South.
7 LeRoy H. Stanton, E. J. Stanton & Son, Los Angeles, ./accompinied by his two children, Jane and LeRoy, Jr., left for Europe on June 30. They will meet Mrs. Stanton, who has been-sojouining in Europe for the past month, in Paris. They plan to spend about two months touring Europe.
Veneer Plant To Move To Tacoma
Samuel A. Sizer, president of the Raymond Veneer Co., Raymond, Wash., announces the removal of the company to Tacoma. The site at Tacoma will include part of the old Todd shipyard.and the buildings will be utilized for the veneer plant. Additional equipment will be installed,.and when the new plant is completed they plan to employ about 300 men.
In Los Angeles
We have a large and complete manufacturing plant in connection with our warehouse al 7O2 E Slaucon Avenue.
RED RIVER saEh are a "good b.y." The soft, Emooth-cutting, even textured CALIFORNIA PINES grre clean sticking and have the "Old Fashioned White Pine" characteristic of holding their size and shape under a wide range of weather conditions.
CAREFUL WORKMANSHIP, combined with quantity production'in our mdern factory are reflected in a quality product. We areequippedandorganized to handle special jobs of any size,in SASH, DOORS, MILLWORK and BUILT-IN FIXTURES.