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,-Tvlain Street Mercbants Sell Style Wby not you?
Moio street merchants -depend almost entirely'upon "Style" today for their existence. Convenience runs a close second.
The Peedess line ofbuilt-in fixtures attracts business because of its superbrfll/c appeal. Peerless is outstanding for artistic design, for beauty of detail, ease of operation and convenient features.
Western Office to Cover Eight States
A. C. Horner
The Western Office of tlre National Lumber Manufacturersr Association has been changed from a divisional office status and with A. C. Horner in charge will assume full 'Western representation. An enlarged territory, ' including Washington-, Oregon, California, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, Utah and Arizona, has been apportioned to the Western Office and Mr. Horner will direct the activities of the lum. ber field promotion stafi in that territory co-ordinatingthem wittr ttrJ national trade extension program as developed here. Contact will also be maintained, as heretofore, with the British Columbia lumber interests.
Before joining the Trade Extension stafi of the {. L. }4. A. Mr. Horner, who is an engineer graduate of the University of Pennsylvania, was an engineer of the Portland Cement Association. Prior to this he spent .four years as secretary of ttre Pacific Coast Building Officials' Conference and was largely responsible for the development. of the Pacific Coast Uniform Building Code. He also spent seven years as an engineer in the Maintenance ofWay Department of the Southern Pacific Railway.
In addition to furnishing engineering service to lumber consumers the Western Office of the National Lumber Manufacturers' Association will work out with the four affiliated western regional lumber associations plans--for closer co-operation in lumber trade promotion. Mr. Horner will make immediate contact with representatives of the Western Pine Association, the Redwood Association, the West Coast Lumbermen's Association and the California White and Sugar Pine Association.
DEALERS 6nd Peedess furniture eaty to sell at a profit; because they are selling an idea and not mere lumber. They sell modett Aitcbets' , pride in ownership, saving of time and energy, and lower cost for what one really gets.
\7" FURNISH our dealers with plans on how to start Home Modernizing. Ve also furnish free kitchen plans and dealer h"lpt. 'STrite us forinformation.