1 minute read
THE FTRST GLIMPSE rrva,ke it the best
MPRESSIONS are either good or bad. Make these impres' sionE the beet poosible. Mahe tlrem lasting. The firstimpression is the lingering oDe. It must be the best. The eyes of passing motor' ists, pedestrians, or visitors, focus solely on the entrance to the home; and tfie front door occupie" seventy-five per cent of that pichrre.
Dealers c a n drive home the above tlrought with Pacific Entrance Doors in their display.
fore entering the ranctum of the home. This glimpse of furniture must be striking. It must conform to the other architechral features of the home. In fact, it must be tfie leader among the other architectural features. Pacific Entrance Doors are all of that. They are architechrrally correct. T he y are new in desigtr, and .above alI th"y are, FURNITURE.
Pacific Entrance Doors can be obtained in mixed carloads of sash, interior doors, Ecreen doors, b ., il t in furnihrre, and interior trim. They are ilre drawing card of the dealerst diaplay. P[G[F[G
Pacific En. trance Doors are furnihrre. They are the first glimpee of furnihrre one gets be-
Protection is, and should be, the first consideration in any insurance. From the beginning, the aim of the Associated Lumber Mutuals has been to give to the lumber industry the highest degree of protection possible against fire and 6re lossa proteition which should logically be developed from our intimate knowledge of the needs of the lumber field. Second to that primary concern came the desire also to protect the lumber industry against unnec$sary insurance cost.
The cost of insurance depends upon cost of operation and payments for losses. Recognizing that mutual interest, we have given careful attention to management expense and fire prevention. We have kept this cost down to 62Vo of premium income, leaving 38/o saing for policy-holdeis. However, other income has made it possible to return a dividend of over 40/o. This dividend cuts the cost, but you still have the best insurance protection a lumberman c.an buy.
Any of our companies will give you lull inlormotion as to hoza much our policies would mean to you in protection and in reduction of your insurance costs.