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'W'. R. Chamberlin Day at San Francisco Lumbermen's Club

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J. R. HANIFY co.

J. R. HANIFY co.

' W. R. Chamberlin was chairman of the day at the meeting of the San Francisco Lumbermen's Club, Hoo Hoo No. 9, held Friday noon, May 24, at the Elks Club, San Francrsco.

Fred Roth presided and C. C. Stibich provided music on the piano.

Mr. Chamberlin introduced as speaker of the dav "Nibs" Price, football coach of the Univirsitv of California. who gave a 3o-minute talk on football, dwelling on the vaiue of the game as a body and character builder. In talking of the probable winner of the Coast Conference title next season, Mr. Price said it was about an even bet as to what team will win.

Secretary Edward Tietjen is to be congratulated on the perfect arrangements. for this and other meetings held this year. This factor and the good programs provided have had the effect of boosting the attendance to a much better average than last year.

Wheeler Osgood Sales Manager Visit California

Bob Reedy, Sales Manager of the Wheeler Osgood Co., af.ter a two weeks' business trip to California, returned to the home office at Tacoma the early part of June. This was Mr. Reedy's first visit here since the acquisition by his firm of the Nicolai Door Company of Portland. A portion of his time was spent in the San Francisco district and a part in the Los Angeles te.rritory, where he called upon the trade and conferred with his reoresentatives.

In speaking with a representalive of the California Lumber Merchant as to how California sales were now to be handled, Mr. Reedy states that in So,uthern California sales for both the Wheeler Osgood Co. and the Nicolai Door Co. are to be handled by The Wheeler Osgood Co. of California at Los Angeles, which office will continue under the management of Mr. Robert Osgood. In San Francisco, the Nicolai warehouse will continue their general jobbing business, operating under the name of the Nicolai Door Sales Co., remaining under.the management of John C. Haring, who has been in chd:rge of this' operation for several years. The office of the Wheeler Osgood Co. will also be maintained as before at ll2 Market St., San Francisco, this office handling direct car sales of Laminex and solid Fir doors, Philippine doors, Fir and Philippine panels.

Eastern Lumberman Visits California Mills

A. E. Engler, president of the Chas. FI. Engler Lumber Co., Jersey City, was a recent visitor to California, where he visited a number of the Pine sawmills.

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